Lower Coghinas Valley, the new pipeline has been in operation since yesterday

The old fiberglass one, which in September 2023 had collapsed three times in the space of 15 days, was replaced. Toni Stangoni, president of CB Nord Sardegna: «The reclamation consortia are able to give immediate answers to the territories. We ask for more operational capacity.”

CHILIVANI | June 21, 2024. The new one diameter distribution pipeline serving the Lower Coghinas Valley came into operation yesterday, June 20th. This was reported by the president of the Northern Sardinia Reclamation Consortium Toni Stangoni. Important news for about 395 companies who insist on 1,045 hectares served, more or less 30% of the entire irrigation district in the area. The work, 800 meters long, replaces the old fiberglass pipeline dating back to the 1990s which in September 2023 had collapsed three times in the space of 15 days. «It was therefore useless and risky – explains the director of the Consortium Joshua Brundu – proceed with the repair as the materials are now subject to the wear and tear of time.”

For this reason, after having called all the consortium members to a meeting in Valledoria on 6 October, the Consortium illustrated the buffer solution with which it would guarantee the irrigation supply to the companies, and in the meantime it spoke with the Sardinia Region to find the necessary sums – 4.3 million euros – for the reconstruction of the pipeline.

Essebi April 2024 1Essebi April 2024 1

The technical offices of the Consortium have been activated, led by the general director Giosuè Brundu and the technical director Giuseppe Bellu«after the allocation of resources by the Region in December 2023 – explains the vice president Francesco Pala – we proceeded quickly to design the work, assign the works and close them. We set ourselves the goal of arriving at the summer season with the new conduct and we succeeded, keeping to the commitments made. Also because the buffer solution designed for the winter and spring period, i.e. the use of another distributor in an adjacent lot that branches off from the same tank, could not be used for the summer period when the demand for water is obviously greater”.

«A job completed with great operation of the offices, so a big thank you goes to the two directors. We believe that the ability to give answers – adds the president Toni Stangoni –, overcoming the difficulties that arise and respecting the announced times are elements on which to base greater trust on the part of the regional institutions themselves in the Reclamation Consortia. These are bodies immediately operational on the territory, the only true operational arm of the agricultural world, which is why the hope is that the Region will positively review the relationship with the Land Reclamation Consortia and their role, in compliance with the constitutional principle of subsidiarity. Recognize that with their multi-functionality the Consortia, being a guardian of the territory, in addition to collecting the requests of the agricultural world, are an active part in creating works and maintenance interventions, services and actions to protect the agro-zootechnical production of the territories under their jurisdiction”, concludes Stangoni.

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