SP21 Trebbio, in Modigliana: structural works underway to restore traffic after the flood

SP21 Trebbio, in Modigliana: structural works underway to restore traffic after the flood
SP21 Trebbio, in Modigliana: structural works underway to restore traffic after the flood

(Sixth Power) – Forlì – 21 June – In recent days they were delivered to the Cooperativa Montana Valle del Lamone soc. cooperative of Brisighella. the works relating to the restoration and safety of the SP21 in the Monte Trebbio area in the municipality of Modigliana.

The intervention involves a total investment of 228 thousand euros and the execution of the works within ninety days.

As a matter of urgency, in the weeks following the flood, the Province created a by pass at km 4+000 on the road, which suffered a very significant landslide.
The works, which began recently and have been carried out up to now, have involved the restoration of the slope under the road, the shoulders and the ditches at km 4+900.

With the planned intervention, in compliance with the works entrusted to the Cooperativa Montana Valle del Lamone, various further interventions are planned to make the road safe which also include the removal of an important landslide area above the road axis for which it is necessary to carry out works that require the closure of the stretch of road from 24/06 to 05/07 in the stretch between km 6+600 and km 6+700, on the days from Monday to Friday. The stretch of road affected by the works will therefore be closed to vehicular traffic for the time necessary to secure and remove the landslide.

In agreement with the Municipality of Modigliana, the intersection with Via Morana for the connection with the Sp129 via Ibola will remain passable for those coming from Modigliana or Rocca San Casciano.

At the same time, on Thursday 20 June, the approval process of the executive project relating to the restoration and safety intervention of the SP 20 “Tramazzo Marzeno” – loc. “Rupe Pappona” works which will be carried out by the company Ambrogetti srl of Riofreddo Verghereto and for which in the next week the construction site will be delivered and work will begin to restore and make the construction site safe.

“The very long bureaucratic process that will lead to the start of the construction site has finally been completed – declares the Mayor of Modigliana – the intervention to reconstruct the connection on the Sp20 in the Riva della Pappona stretch is essential to guarantee access to and from Modigliana, for the mobility of people, to allow the supply of companies that are established in our territory and guarantee income and social security. It is important that the works are carried out by a local company that has operational capacity and that has already operated in great urgency in Modigliana in the first stretch of Via Dei Frati, where at the same time as the intervention on Riva della Pappona, the works will resume soon for the execution of the definitive restoration works on the first lot of via Dei Frati.”

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this