Mons. Lorefice remembers Don Meli: «Witness of the messianic presence» –

Mons. Lorefice remembers Don Meli: «Witness of the messianic presence» –
Mons. Lorefice remembers Don Meli: «Witness of the messianic presence» –

A passionate memory with testimonies and the homily ofArchbishop of Palermo Monsignor Corrado Lorefice who reiterated how Don Baldassare Meli he was a “witness of a messianic presence”. Thus, on the fourth anniversary of the death of the priest of Parish of Saint Lucia of CastelvetranoDon Meli was remembered.

An initiative organized in Palermo, a city that for a long time was the “home” of Don Meli, a Salesian at Santa Chiara in the Ballarò district of Palermo. A bus left Castelvetrano with parishioners, the “Colibrì 2.0” group and friends of Don Meli. In the Cathedral the Holy Mass was concelebrated by Monsignor Lorefice, Monsignor Angelo Giurdanella (Bishop of Mazara del Vallo) and Monsignor Domenico Mogavero (emeritus of the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo).

“Don Meli made the cry of the little ones his own, the requests that came from human flesh – Lorefice said – he was among others”. At the beginning of the celebration, Rosy Costa, one of the animators of the Santa Lucia parish and close to Don Meli until his death, outlined the profile of the deceased parish priest, recounting Don Meli’s difficult journey, especially after the reports of pedophilia when he was at Santa Chiara. The holy mass was animated by an intercultural choir. After the celebration, at the Salesian house Santa Chiara in Palermo, a moment of remembrance of Don Meli was held and some women from different countries of the world who frequent the center offered typical dishes of their tradition.

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