family members’ doubts about suicide

family members’ doubts about suicide
family members’ doubts about suicide

The case is still open Roberta Cottinithe woman found dead by hanging: the Prosecutor’s Office requested thearchiving of the alleged suicide but the family wants to know clearly about his death.

The Cottini case

Roberta Cottini was found lifeless, hanged with a electrical cable to the window grate of the building where she worked as a bursar.

The investigators’ initial findings immediately led to the trail of the suicide but, attended the program Who has seenboth the woman’s husband and brother advanced strongly doubts on the matter and the way in which they were carried out investigations.

Photo source: ANSA

The woman’s family has raised doubts about the investigation

Who was Roberta Cottini and the doubts about her suicide

Romana, the woman died in 53 years old. She was married and the mother of 2 daughters. She had been working in a for 6 years Catholic institutewas in fact administrative secretary in Pious House of Charity of the Pallottine nuns in Rome and in this context also found himself managing a large amount real estate assets.

The priest found his body Don Nicola, family friend and manager of the institute, as well as the person who had wanted her as a collaborator. It is therefore an alleged suicide that occurred both in the area working That ecclesiastical.

It was opened immediately an investigation about his death for incitement to suicidethe same investigation that then led the Prosecutor’s Office to request the dismissal which the Cottini family opposed.

All the inconsistencies in the investigation into the death of Roberta Cottini

The coroner’s report speaks of a “suicidal-type dynamic”, in which there is no evidence that can indicate actions of third parties. However, the woman was found with a bent arm which arouses some suspicion in the family. However, there are no photographic or video findings of this limb and its unusual position.

The Prosecutor’s Office did not order the autopsy on his body nor the toxicological test. The woman’s phone appears to have been seized but blocked by a PIN, therefore the mobile phoneas well as the computer of Cottini, it wasn’t analyzed.

A was found on the woman’s work desk farewell cardon which no one has been carried out calligraphic expertise. It reads: “I have asked for help several times, I can’t keep up with everything. I feel like I’m at a point of I’m not coming back”.

The family’s opinion: a strange suicide

Roberta Cottini’s death occurred the day before her eldest daughter’s high school graduation. According to what her husband and brother reported, they were not there warnings of the tragic gesture.

“She was beautiful inside and out, thoughtful, sensitive” her brother Fabio says of her. “She wanted to have everything under control, otherwise she would get anxious. When you warned me, Don Nicola thought we had argued. For me it was a bolt from the blue. No one could have ever thought of something like this”, echoes her husband Marco.

The woman had confessed to her brother that she wanted to get a rest periodhad planned a holiday in Formentera and to be though scared. “I’m afraid of being arrested”, he said, referring to the fact that, at work, he had the power of signature.

Photo source: ANSA/Fb Roberta Cottini

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