uncle ends up under investigation for sexual abuse of a minor

TREVISO – He molests his 11-year-old niece: her uncle by marriage, who is 84 years old, is accused of sexual violence. The abuse, according to what the Treviso Prosecutor’s Office hypothesizes,…

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TREVISO – He molests his niece 11 year old: under accusation for sexual violence the step-uncle, who is 84 years old. The abuse, according to what has been hypothesized by the Treviso Prosecutor’s Office, dates back to last December and was allegedly committed before the eyes of the man’s stepdaughter, who is also a minor. Violence that, from what is currently emerging, was committed in a context of profound social marginalization.


Last Thursday, before the investigating judge of the Treviso court, an evidentiary hearing was held aimed at appointing an expert who will have the task of extracting any incriminating files from the computer media used by the man (cell phone, tablet and PC seized, ed.). The judge also issued an order for the 84-year-old to stay away from the family home even though the old man does not live in the same house as his niece, the victim of his attentions. A resident of Treviso, he lives with his partner and her two daughters, both minors. “Probably,” explains the man’s lawyer, “it is a measure adopted to protect the other two girls, even if it is legally contradictory since the injured party does not live with him and it would not be correct to act preventively in this way.” The precautionary measure ordered by the judge also imposes a ban on the 84-year-old from coming within 500 meters of his niece and the places she usually frequents. Tomorrow morning, meanwhile, the man’s preliminary hearing will take place: this is the first contact that the person under investigation (with an attached precautionary measure) will have with the judge for preliminary investigations, to guarantee the suspect’s broadest right of defense. Only later will the judge decide whether to confirm the removal from the home and the prohibition on approaching the niece or whether to modify (or cancel, as requested by the defense) the measures in place.


At the moment we are still in the early stages of the process, with many details still to be defined. For example, where the alleged violence occurred, given that uncle and nephew live in two different municipalities, and how many times it was repeated over time. “We are currently faced with an accusatory hypothesis – the defense attorney emphasizes – and there are still many investigations to be done, even though the context in which the facts allegedly occurred certainly does not appear to be the best. Since he is still under investigation and does not live in the same home as the injured party, we will see how the preliminary hearing goes. It is not certain that the precautionary measures will be confirmed”. This is because the dangerousness of the man cannot be directly deduced based on the acts described and hypothesized in the indictment: given that the injured party does not live with the elderly man, the latter could soon return to his home where he lives with his partner’s two daughters.


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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