The Carabiniere uniform for Chiara. Four young people say yes to the force

The Carabiniere uniform for Chiara. Four young people say yes to the force
The Carabiniere uniform for Chiara. Four young people say yes to the force

Last month, the Lower Ferrarese, and in particular the municipality of Mesola, donated four young people to the Carabinieri. Various ceremonies were held in the various training departments of the Carabinieri for the oath to the Republic and the delivery of the epaulettes to the young Carabinieri students. Among these, there are four from our province, one from San Giuseppe and three from Ariano Ferrarese, a hamlet of Mesola. The first to have worn the epaulettes, in the “Castrogiovanni” barracks in Taranto last June 11, was Chiara Casetto, 23 years old, from Ariano. She is the daughter of Luigia, partner of the superior marshal Marcello Canale, now retired. It was her mother, Luigia Avezù, who performed the emotional gesture of affixing the epaulettes to her daughter who amazed her loved ones with the great determination with which she wanted to achieve her goal and enlist. On June 15, at the school for marshals and brigadiers of the Arma di Velletri, the student carabiniere Giacomo Stravaganti, 25 years old, resident in San Giuseppe di Comacchio, wore the frogs. An ideal “handover” between the young man and the major marshal Giovanni Stravaganti, retired for a few years. The new carabiniere was promoted after having successfully completed the 143rd course. Last, but only for chronological reasons, last June 18, after having also successfully completed the 142nd training course, the twenty-three year old Arianesi Nicola Marangoni and Mattia Zappaterra wore the long-awaited frogs, the latter being the son of vice brigadier Cristian Zappaterra, in active service in the Adria Company. These two boys were perhaps the most “lucky”, to have had the opportunity to experience this emotional ceremony in the splendid setting of the park of the Reggia di Veneria in Turin, one of the Savoy residences part of the serial Unesco site registered in the list of World Heritage since 1997. Claudio Castagnoli

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