The Segre Commission acquires the footage of the Fanpage investigation

The Segre Commission acquires the footage of the Fanpage investigation
The Segre Commission acquires the footage of the Fanpage investigation

Rome, 2 July 2024 – The Secret Commission will acquire the investigation footage “Melonian Youth” conducted by Fanpage. The racist phrases and anti-Semitic, fascist salutes, apology for fascism with exaltation of the Duce that appear in the video and they feel in the audio dell’journalistic investigationwill be put under the magnifying glass by the Commission that bears the name of the senator for life who survived the anti-Semitic persecution during the Nazi-Fascism.


In fact, they will be acquired by Segre Commission, which deals with racism and anti-Semitism in the Senate, the video clips made known by Fanpage with images of militants and exponents of circles of National Youth of the party Brothers of Italy that do the fascist salute, they praise the Duce and pronounce anti-Semitic and racially hateful phrases.

The Segre Commission and the Inquiry

This is what was established by the Commission’s Bureau, which has just finished Madama Palace. The request was agreed to be made by all the groups present, as proposed by Fratelli d’Italia.

The office of the presidency, which saw in video link senator for life Liliana Segrehad been summoned after the letter sent to Segre herself – who is the president of the Commission – by the former parliamentarian Helio Vitowho asked to acquire the videos of the journalistic investigation in order to “start all the initiatives that he deems necessary and appropriate to adequately counter such evidently violent demonstrations incompatible with our Constitution and with our democratic institutions.”

Political Comments

“The acquisition of the footage from the Fanpage investigation is good. The decision of the commission, under the presidency of Senator Segre, was supported by all the groups and also by the Legabecause it’s right shed light on the matter“. The senator states this Maximilian Romeoleader of the League group in Palazzo Madama and member of the Segre commission.

Learn more:

Senator for Life. Segre and the Anti-Semitic Drifts: “Will I Be Kicked Out of Here Again?”

“Since we are faithful to the principle that it is our duty to clarify matters of racial hatred and anti-Semitism, we believe it is equally right – underlines the Northern League MP – extend the exam by the commission also to other contents: let’s think about the serious episodes documented by the press on the occasion of anti-Israel demonstrationsin which some took part student collectives. At a time like this, when feelings of anti-Semitism and discrimination are growing throughout Europe, we believe it is important – concludes Romeo – to have as clear a picture as possible of the dimension of hatred in our country”.

“The Segre Commission unanimously decided to address the serious and worrying issues emerged from the Fanpage investigation, acquiring it in the records also in order to understand the nature of the phenomenon and its size. In underlining the importance of the convergence of all the members of the Commission on the point, I reconfirmed, in my speech, the Solidarity of the PD group to Senator Segrehighlighting how through the concerns expressed by the President about her person, she evidently intended to underline the fragility of every person who finds themselves exposed to episodes of racist and anti-Semitic offence and discrimination. Circumstances for which the minimalist and whataboutism statements of the Interior Minister“. This is stated in a note Antonio Nicitavice president of the Pd in the Senate and member of the Anti-Discrimination Commission.

Meloni’s letter

And it is precisely in the hours in which the Secret Commission decided to acquire the footage of the fanpage investigation, the Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni he wrote a long letter (the full text of the letter) the leaders of his party to reiterate that in Brothers of Italy “there is no room for racist or anti-Semitic positions, just as there is no room for nostalgic for totalitarianism of the 20th century, or for any manifestation of stupid folklore”.

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