Horror on the street in Rome: he kicks his dog and throws it into the bins

Horror on the street in Rome: he kicks his dog and throws it into the bins
Horror on the street in Rome: he kicks his dog and throws it into the bins

In San Lorenzo a homeless man was the protagonist of a scene that made residents shudder: reported by the police

Published:30-06-2024 18:15

Last update:30-06-2024 18:29

ROME – The International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA) will present in the next few hours a complaint for mistreatmentpursuant to Article 544 ter of the Criminal Code, against the man who kicked the pregnant pitbull he was holding in Rome.

As far as we know, Oipa writes in a note, it is about a homeless person who, after having beaten the dog, he threw it in a garbage bin at via Sabelli, in the San Lorenzo district.

The alarm was raised by some residents of San Lorenzo and the intervention of some officers was immediate and saved the animal. The same officers found and reported the owner. The dog was entrusted to the Muratella municipal kennel, from which it is hoped she will soon be able to leave for a new life. Oipa will also ask for the confiscation of the pit bull.

In the capital, the organization observes, it is noticeable a resurgence of the phenomenon of dogs used for begginga situation prohibited by Article 14 of the Municipal Regulation on the protection of animals. Unfortunately, there are few controls, the association further emphasizes, and when citizens call the municipal police or 112 to report animals in difficulty following beggars or “problem subjects”, the report is almost never followed by timely intervention.

This is also why Oipa asks the Capitol to introduce special figures into the municipal police force so that reports are followed by immediate intervention against individuals who mistreat animals and who usually remain in the reported location for only a short time.


“A heartfelt thanks to the State Police and in particular to the agents of the local police stations who yesterday, in Rome, not only saved a dog beaten and thrown into a rubbish bin, but also tracked down and reported the homeless citizen responsible for this horrible act. The police know this well: crimes against animals are not second-class crimes and must not go unpunished. Instead, the administration of Rome Capital should pay more attention to forms of exploitation such as begging with animals, prohibited by municipal regulations but often tolerated”. This is stated by the Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla (We Moderates), president of the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animal Rights and Environmental Protection and president of the Italian League for the Defense of Animals and the Environment.

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