Amateurs – “The Great Evening of the Societies” with 16 Modena Societies Awarded

Amateurs – “The Great Evening of the Societies” with 16 Modena Societies Awarded
Amateurs – “The Great Evening of the Societies” with 16 Modena Societies Awarded

MARANELLO. «The great evening of the companies» was held today in Maranello, the majestic party organized by Crer in the prestigious setting of the «Museo Ferrari» convention hall in Maranello, where all the companies that raised a trophy in the 2023-24 season were awarded. In total, there were 111 awards among the winners of the championship (from Eccellenza to Terza, through Under 19, five-a-side football and women’s), of the Cup and of the playoffs (not those of Terza). The Modena teams had a prominent place in the celebration, having had a lot of success this year and yesterday taking home a total of 16 trophies: starting with Cittadella Vis Modena, winner of the Excellence, then Terre di Castelli who put the Excellence Cup in their showcase, then Ganaceto and Montombraro winners of the First category, Colombaro for the First Cup, then Corlo, Campogalliano and Valsa Savignano for the Second category, Fox Junior and Medolla for the Second playoffs, Maranese for the Third and Levizzano for the Third Cup. In the youth teams, Terre di Castelli won the “B” group of the Under 19 Elite, Nonantola for the provincial Under 19 and finally in futsal Pro Patria San Felice made its voice heard with the historic double between the C2 championship and the C2 Cup.

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