The station garrison has been strengthened. Eleven more soldiers are arriving

The station garrison has been strengthened. Eleven more soldiers are arriving
The station garrison has been strengthened. Eleven more soldiers are arriving

The contingent of army soldiers employed in the surveillance of the Bergamo train station, one of the hottest points in terms of security in the city, is growing. Another eleven soldiers will be added to the fifteen already assigned to the ‘Safe Roads’ operation in the capital of Bergamo, to monitor the sensitive areas of the city. From next July 8, by order of the prefect Giuseppe Forlenza, the patrols will be used from the early hours of the morning inside the train station, but also in the nearby urban areas most exposed to crime.

The announcement was made during the meeting of the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security, which was held yesterday at the Prefecture. On this occasion, the prefect expressed his satisfaction with the increase in soldiers, “which will allow us to strengthen deterrence and prevention, thus increasing security in the city. The use of military forces will also provide valid support to the activities of the police force on the territory, while strengthening the perception of security of the entire community”.

The presence of the military had been repeatedly invoked by the center-right during the last election campaign to win the mayor’s seat. Mayor Elena Carnevali was satisfied with the increase in the army’s presence: “I thank the prefect for the promptness with which the current contingent was remodulated. The presence of units of the Armed Forces represents a further positive element for the safety of citizens”. Also yesterday, the Prefecture provided the balance of these first six months of 2024, in which frequent extraordinary checks were carried out in the station area.

From January to June, a total of 2,403 people were checked, of which 1,243 were foreigners, 763 already registered in the police database. Among these individuals, 28 are under investigation and, as for administrative sanctions, 29 were imposed for possession of narcotics, two for drunkenness, another couple for carrying weapons without a license. Also seized were 223 grams of hashish, 18 of cocaine and 0.48 of marijuana.

Michael Andreucci

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