Running/ San Pietro Avellana, good start for ‘Corsamica’

Running/ San Pietro Avellana, good start for ‘Corsamica’
Running/ San Pietro Avellana, good start for ‘Corsamica’

A day of sports in nature, a way to promote sports – and running in particular – in the beautiful villages of the province of Isernia: the “Corsamica” event was born with these ambitious goals and was held yesterday in San Pietro Avellana, organized by the NAI in collaboration with the Altomolisano municipality and the local Proloco.

Good start, objectives achieved” this was the comment of the president of the NAI Augustine Caputo at the end of yesterday’s race, June 30. In fact, there was a large group of participants in the mountain race that saw the athletes run through the streets of San Pietro Avellana until they reached the suggestive Hermitage of Sant’Amico; there was also a good turnout for the walk led by the deputy mayor Peppino Carlini, who acted as a guide providing lots of information and curiosities about the village, as well as for the promotional event – aimed at children and young people – where the young NAI athletes Simone Matticoli and Liberato Mazzuto stood out, to the delight of their respective coaches Renato Guglielmi and Giacomo Rizzi.

I am very satisfied – continued Caputo, this time in the role of FIDAL provincial delegate – This summer in the province of Isernia there will be several towns that will host road races: sport, in addition to promoting itself in these small and lively areas, becomes a privileged vehicle for promoting and enhancing the beauty of our villages”.

On the sporting front, the winner of the first edition of Corsamica was Joseph Iamonaco of the Podistica Avis Campobasso who completed the 12 km course in 55’17” at an average of 4.36 per km; behind him, slightly detached, Antonio Nicola Marracino and Maurizio d’Andrea.

The women’s race was less balanced with Anna Bornaschella of Atletica Venafro who dominated from the first kilometers. The Venafro athlete stopped the clock at 1.11.16, completing the pink podium Anna Felicita Polsinelli and Marita Minutillo.

For the NAI, it is worth mentioning the results of Francesco Veneziale, Maurizio Falasca, Remo Bernardo, Daniel Iannuccillo and especially Annarita Scioli returning after the forced stop. Massimo Sasso and Valter Cavicchia also performed well.

In addition to congratulations to all the participating athletes and in particular to those of the NAI – concludes the number one Pentro – I would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the event: the mayor Simona De Caprio and the entire municipal council for their closeness; the local Pro-Loco, the volunteers, the Red Cross for the great work done, the Carabinieri and the Provincial Police who ensured safety; the Fidal judges, my friend Angelo Calderolo who with his Digital Rave took care of the registrations and rankings; the speaker Valeria and Enzo Frazzini, responsible for the route and more; all the NAI collaborators present, first and foremost the Vice President Claudio Di Ludovico”.

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