project for schools to raise awareness of the waterways of our region – Friulisera

project for schools to raise awareness of the waterways of our region – Friulisera
project for schools to raise awareness of the waterways of our region – Friulisera

As recent dramatic news events have unfortunately demonstrated, we must have respect and reverential fear of rivers, but we can also be “friends” if well prepared in the correct approach to the wonderful waterways that enrich our region. The local police of the Eastern Friuli Community on this issue, to protect the specific river environment, conducted investigations in the primary and lower secondary schools of the eight municipalities of the community – Buttrio, Cividale, Moimacco, Pradamano, Premariacco, Prepotto Remanzacco, San Giovanni at Natisone – the local activity “I’m with the river”, as part of the urban safety project “Safe, participatory and supportive community”.

Financed by the Fvg Region, the project involved the delivery of a thousand booklets containing the regulations of the urban police, with all the local regulations of interest even to the youngest, with classroom lessons by the Forestry, together with an educational trip to the river for around 60 students. The teaching and training activity concluded with the preparation of a multimedia work that summarized the specific experience and what was learned; it will remain available to schools as a “passing of the baton” between successive classes. In closing, prizes were awarded to the multimedia presentations created by the classes, for a total of around a hundred students. The essay prepared by the 5th class of the San Giovanni primary school was considered the most worthy; in second place, ex aequo, the 4th class of the same school and the 5th class of the Prepotto primary school. The first place winner won a canoe descent along a stretch of the Natisone, which took place in complete safety thanks to the collaboration of a private company, which provided all the equipment and devices necessary for the 19 students and teachers, accompanied by expert instructors. The students of the two classes who qualified in second place received a gadget from the Command consisting of a bag bearing the slogan “I’m with the River”.

“During the civic education information meetings that we held in local schools – reports the commander of the local police of the Eastern Friuli community, Fabiano Gallizia – the need to protect the decorum of one’s city and respect for the environment was highlighted that surrounds us, in particular for the river environment which, in different ways, characterizes all the municipalities belonging to the Community”. In collaboration with the staff of the regional forestry station of Cividale del Friuli, the schools participating in the project also carried out excursions and educational experiences directly “on the river”. “The children were accompanied to discover the water environment, the flora and fauna present, having fun classifying insects and rocks. They were directed towards a correct relationship between man and the river, to the concept of the conscious use of the “river” asset, to the knowledge of the rules, to the need for conservation of this particular environment”.

“We thank Commander Gallizia who, as always, helps to provide the youngest with the tools to know, respect and preserve the territory – adds the president of the Eastern Friuli Community Daniela Bernardi -, respecting the environment, the landscape and in general everything that surrounds us. Attention to the territory and connection with the school are the guidelines on which the Community moves”.

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