Concerts at the Assago Forum, the municipality wins the first round: concert and event promoters will pay the costs for the concerts

(photo from the Internet)

The dispute between the municipality of Assago and the promoters of the major events held at the Forum and its surroundings has reached its final stage (or almost). In particular, the dispute that pits him against Vertigo, a concert promoter. Referring to a 2017 law which establishes that the expenses for the policemen employed in private events must be “paid entirely” by the organizers, the “ragiunatt” of the Assaghese municipality sent the promoter the bill for the services provided in July 2022 of the local police in the months of April/May/June of the same year for the shows at the Assago Forum.

The appeal

It’s not a question of four pennies, but of substantial figures. Amounts that the organizing company refused to pay. Thus he challenged all the documents signed by the municipality on the subject, including the general regulation. Which according to the promoters’ lawyers would have placed “the burden on private individuals even for local police services not requested by them, but rather carried out at the disposal of the Municipality itself”.

The San Siro case

In simple words at Vertigo they said: “We did not request the presence of the police”, indeed they accused the municipality of having “unduly passed on the cost of a public security service to private individuals, which should instead be free”. A thesis decidedly not in line with what happens in other municipalities. In Milan, for example, the work of the local police officers on duty for the concerts at San Siro is borne by the promoters of the same events.

The Administrative Court

The issue ended up before the judges of the TAR, the regional administrative court, who ruled yesterday. As? Proving Vertigo’s theses wrong across the board: wrong on the regulation, wrong on its interpretation, wrong on who should pay the expenses relating to “road services and not also the expenses for the institutional functions of surveillance and public safety”. According to the administrative judges “it is completely logical that the Municipality, characterizing itself to host such a structure (the Forum), adapts its regulatory rules to the particularity of its territory and to the special needs of local police services for the initiatives that take place there ”.

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