Maria Pia Anania wins the second edition of the scholarship in memory of prof. Ferdinando Campana of the Gangale Institute of Cirò Marina

Maria Pia Anania wins the second edition of the scholarship in memory of prof. Ferdinando Campana of the Gangale Institute of Cirò Marina
Maria Pia Anania wins the second edition of the scholarship in memory of prof. Ferdinando Campana of the Gangale Institute of Cirò Marina

Maria Pia Anania of class V section. At Indirizzo AFM wins the second edition of the scholarship in memory of the prof. Ferdinando Campana of IISG Gangale of Cirò Marina. The awards ceremony took place on Thursday 13 June 2024, in the Ferdinando Campana Library Room of the G. Gangale Institute in Cirò Marina, the awarding of the scholarship, now in its second edition, in memory of prof. Campana, to whom last year, in addition to the institution of the prize by the family, the Headmaster, Professor Serafina Rita Anania, had dedicated a chosen place in her school.The scholarship, aimed at promoting the right to educationto encourage the merit and continuation of the educational and human path of the most deserving student between classes V AFM and V SIA, with the highest average in Mathematics, a discipline taught for years by prof. Campana, was won for the school year. 2023-2024 by V AFM student Maria Pia Anania.

In the presence of Prof. Maria Cosentino, Eng. Francesco Campana, the teachers, the school staff and the family of the winning student, the Headmaster, recalling the intellectual honesty, great professionalism, morality and humanity of the deceased teacher, underlined the importance of the award as a tool not only for evaluating knowledge, skills and competences, but also for promoting the growth of students, by virtue of the deployment of greater study and training opportunities, aimed at making merit a vehicle for social mobility and cultural. With emotion, the professor’s wife. Campana, as well as Institute teacher, Prof. Maria Cosentino, awarded the student deserving, wishing you a successful future at school.

“I assure you that this award is given to the person who will make the most of it, because it will help pay the university fees for the new university course which I hope will end with a splendid degree in Banking Sciences. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.” With these words, in which the emotion of the moment was tangible, Maria Pia Anania thanked the Headmaster, the Campana family and the teachers who supported her in achieving the important objective.

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