Tajani: “The EPP won the European Championships, this must be taken into account”

Tajani: “The EPP won the European Championships, this must be taken into account”
Tajani: “The EPP won the European Championships, this must be taken into account”

Antonio Tajani he is convinced that the primacy of European People’s Party will be decisive for the composition of the new Commission and will remain “central” in the politics ofEU. It has positions that are “distant” from those of National Rally Of Marine Le Penbut it is also a guarantee against the “green fundamentalism”. This was underlined yesterday by the Foreign Minister and vice-president of the Ppeto the BuergenstockIn the Canton Nidwalden (Swiss), on the margin of peace conference on Ukraine. The leader of Forza Italia he said that his “ideal” vision is that of a majority made up of popular, liberals And conservativessimilar to the one that elected him President of the European Parliament in 2017, knowing full well that there is currently no similar majority in theEurocamera: the group of would also be needed Identity and democracywith Rn And Leaguebut at that point both the popular and the liberals would split.

“It will be necessary to take into account the new European situation and the results obtained by the individual groups. The Ppe he won, i socialists they didn’t win, i liberals they had difficulties.” This is what Tajani declared to al Corriere della Sera. “This must be taken into account when assigning tasks, both at the level of states and of European institutional roles and of the international framework – he added. The EPP must be held in high regard by top leaders.” The right-wing parties like Le Pen “have too many differences with us popular people. I hope it will be possible to reach an alliance between popular, conservative and liberal people – he reiterated – but we are only at the beginning of a journey, we need to take into account overall balances. New agreement with the socialists? To date nothing can be ruled out. We’ll start talking about it now, at the level of European families and of course also of Governments”. On the possibility that Giorgia Meloni is part of the new majority or is of “extreme right” as he says Olaf Scholz, Tajani commented angrily. “Let it be a right-wing party it’s a fact, but let it be too you hate extreme right It is not true. Meloni is head of the Conservatives, a historic political family that has already held positions and roles in Europe. Only Identity and Democracy was left out. And the fact that there is a central force like ours in the Government makes the Italian Government and also the Prime Minister stronger.” For the European Council it also goes by the name of Enrico Letta, since it will be the socialists’ turn. “For us in the EPP – admitted Tajani – he certainly has an important profile, also because he comes from Christian Democratic tradition. But I really think it’s premature to name names. Surely, as Italy, we will ask for a weight commissioner it’s a vice president. Italy deserves a central role.”

Updated June 17, 2024 at 5:12 pm

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