“Sport for All”: Lido di Genova and Anffas Liguria promote inclusion, appointment from 18 to 23 June

In the year of Genoa 2024 European Capital of Sport, Lido di Genova and Special Team Genoa Sports Group – Anffas Liguria propose to the city “Sport for All”, a free sporting event to promote social inclusion. Everyone, absolutely everyone, will be able to sign up and participate in six afternoons of water activities to promote teamwork and the beauty of being together without looking at any differences.

There is a packed program of events scheduled from 18 to 23 June at the Lido:
Tuesday 18th swimming races, Wednesday 19th non-competitive relays and water games, Thursday 20th water polo tests and mini games; the activities are suitable for everyone and take place from 4.30pm to 6.30pm with the instructors of ASD Andrea Doria.

Also on Wednesday 19th, from 3pm to 4.30pm, the conference “Motor activities and cognitive enhancement” will take place: prof. Massimiliano Barduco will present the results of his research on the link between different types of training, cognitive learning processes and the strengthening of executive functions even in fragile subjects.

The week continues with the Lido Rainbowteam which this year celebrates 20 years of activity at the Lido: Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June will be afternoons dedicated to SUP (stand up paddle), canoeing, surfing, kayaking. Weather conditions permitting, the former surfing champion Matteo Bof and his staff will be available to anyone who wishes to try these sports which have been practiced at the Lido for years by the boys of the Anffas Genova sports group, with the aim of experiencing new emotions, sharing group experiences and overcome one’s psycho-motor limits.

Finally on Saturday 22 June it will be possible to discover the special snorkeling: a project created by the Duilio Mercante Mediterranean Diving Center of Camogli to really allow everyone to go in and under water while having fun in complete safety.

The “Sport for All” project, included in the very rich program of Genoa 2024 European Capital of Sport, was born from the long collaboration between the Lido and the Anffas Liguria Sports Group and from the belief that sport has always been a great tool for inclusion.

«Sport for all is not only the name of an initiative, which we are happy to be able to include within our special annuality, but it is also one of the guidelines on which our project as European Capital of Sport is based – he states Alessandra Bianchi, Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Genoa – Our city boasts a great tradition in numerous aquatic disciplines and, at the Lido of Genoa, boys and girls of all ages and abilities will be able to discover them, get to know them in depth and have fun. They will be six fabulous days dedicated to sharing, playing, inclusion, aggregation and sociality.”

«2024 represents a very important year for Genoa and for the Lido – he states Carlo Pittaluga, sole administrator of the Lido of Genoa – We always willingly collaborate with the institutions and we wanted to celebrate the 20 years of the Lido Rainbowteam by giving life to a project that could contribute to Genoa 2024 European Capital of Sport, which represents a great opportunity for the whole city. The Lido Rainbowteam is a path born from the idea of ​​Matteo Bof who immediately thrilled us with its inclusive strength. “Sport for All” is the natural evolution and celebration of this path, a free event open to all, to eliminate differences.”

«At the Lido of Genoa our athletes feel at home – he confirms Adelfina Salvatori, president of the Anffas Liguria Sports Group – because every summer they come here, play sports and have a lot of fun. We immediately liked the idea of ​​celebrating the Rainbowteam’s activities with a project open to the city to be included in Genoa 2024, European Capital of Sport: it is an important moment of inclusion in which everyone participates according to their own abilities, learning the from each other.”

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