Here are the speed camera locations in Lazio from 17 to 23 June

Here are the speed camera locations in Lazio from 17 to 23 June
Here are the speed camera locations in Lazio from 17 to 23 June

Also at the beginning of the week, the State Police made public the roads of Lazio affected by the Speed ​​Cameras, confirming Stradale’s continuous commitment to promoting road safety. The disclosure of the road sections where speed cameras will be active aims to raise awareness among motorists of the importance of moderating their pace and respecting speed limits, in order to prevent road accidents.

For the week from 17 to 23 June 2024, the State Police has communicated the routes affected by speed cameras in the Lazio region. It is essential that motorists pay particular attention to these specific areas to avoid fines and, above all, to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users.

Inappropriate speed is one of the main causes of road accidents, with often tragic consequences for those involved. The publication of speed camera routes is a significant step towards encouraging responsible and conscious driving, thus helping to ensure the safety of all road users.

The periodic publication of the routes affected by speed cameras is an important initiative of the State Police and the Traffic Police to promote awareness of road safety. Motorists are encouraged to pay attention, practice safe driving and obey speed limits to help reduce road accidents and protect the lives of everyone who shares the roads with us. Road safety is a collective responsibility, and every driver plays a crucial role in keeping the roads safe for everyone.

Routes affected by speed cameras in Lazio (valid from Monday 17 June 2024 to Sunday 23 June 2024)

19/06/2024: Strada Statale SS / 2 Cassia VT
06/21/2024: Highway A / 24 RM
06/23/2024: Motorway A / 12 Rome – Civitavecchia RM

We remind all motorists to moderate their speed and respect the established limits, thus contributing to safer circulation and reducing the number of accidents on our roads. Everyone’s collaboration is essential to build a safer road environment for every citizen.

Speed ​​limits on roads and highways

Let’s remember the current limits:

  • on motorways: 130 kilometers per hour, dropping to 110 in bad weather.
  • on main extra-urban roads: 110 kilometers per hour, dropping to 90 in bad weather
  • on secondary and local extra-urban roads: 90 kilometers per hour
  • in the city the limit is 50 kilometers per hour; 70 in some sections expressly indicated.

The sanctions in summary (from art. 142 of the Highway Code):

  • up to 10 km/h more than the limit – fine between 42 and 173 euros
  • over 10 km/h and up to 40 km/h more – fine of between 173 and 695 euros and deduction of 3 points from the driving licence;
  • over 40 km/h and no more than 60 km/h – fine between 544 and 21714 euros, deduction of 6 points from the driving license and additional sanction of suspension of the driving license from one to three months
  • anyone who exceeds the maximum speed limits by more than 60 km/h is punished with a fine of between 847 and 3,389, with the deduction of 10 points from the driving license and the additional sanction of suspension of the driving license from six to twelve months. In case of repeat offenses within a two-year period, the driving license will be revoked.

These penalties are increased for new drivers and professional drivers.


The Traffic Police uses the following tools for timely speed control:

  • Speed ​​cameras 104/C
  • Speed ​​cameras 105
  • Speed ​​cameras 106
  • Telelaser
  • Telelaser Trucam

List of motorway sections checked with the TUTOR

To guarantee the Traffic Police greater efficiency in average speed controls on many motorway sections, the concessionaire companies and ANAS have activated and put into use speed detection systems called SICVe, Vergilius and SICVe PM. The Traffic Police, according to the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 282 of 13 June 2017 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, carries out the initial verification of the system, as well as periodic checks on an annual basis. Today, approximately 1060 km of motorway carriageways are controlled with these systems.

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