The documented benefits of CBD oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an extract of the cannabis plant that is gaining attention for its potential therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. The benefits of CBD are multiple, including anti-inflammatory, sebostatic and antioxidant properties. It is essential that research continues to fully understand its strengths and therapeutic applications, thus ensuring the safe and effective use of CBD.

Discovering Cannabidiol

CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is a natural extract derived from the cannabis plant, also known as hemp. In recent years, interest in CBD has exploded, thanks to its potential health and wellness benefits. However, it is important to examine the scientific evidence that supports these benefits to distinguish facts from simple assumptions.

Benefits of CBD for Health and Beauty

The effects of CBD on health and beauty are multiple and well documented in scientific literature. For example, a study published in Journal of Clinical Investigation has shown that CBD can reduce the production of sebum, a key factor in the formation of acne (JCI). Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties have been highlighted in numerous studies, suggesting potential in the treatment of skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis (JCI).

Another research published in British Journal of Pharmacology highlighted that CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may be useful for treating inflammatory skin conditions and protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals. This study confirmed that CBD can significantly reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines, helping to mitigate the symptoms of skin inflammation.

Furthermore, a study by European Journal of Pain explored the topical use of CBD to treat pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. The results showed a significant reduction in pain and inflammation in subjects treated with CBD compared to the control group, suggesting further therapeutic applications of CBD for inflammatory skin conditions.

Scientific Evidence on CBD

A major study conducted in Canada evaluated the impact of CBD treatment on symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression. The research involved 279 patients with moderate to severe symptoms, finding a significant improvement in symptoms after using CBD-rich products. These results were published in Journal of Cannabis Researchnoting that CBD may be particularly effective for patients with more serious conditions.

Furthermore, a systematic review published in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology explored the effects of CBD on various ailments, highlighting its effectiveness in treating epilepsy, anxiety disorders, and some forms of chronic pain.

Importance of Certified Cultivations

The quality and safety of CBD oils are highly dependent on the cultivation practices and extraction processes used. Certified organic crops, such as those used by Oily Moly, guarantee that the plants are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers, thus ensuring a pure and safe final product. In the absence of such rigorous controls, products may contain contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents, which can be harmful to your health.

The supercritical CO2 extraction process used by Oily Moly is one of the safest and most efficient methods for obtaining pure CBD oil. This method allows the extraction of cannabinoids without the use of chemical solvents, preserving the quality of the product and ensuring that the THC is completely removed or reduced to undetectable traces.


CBD oil offers numerous health and beauty benefits, supported by growing scientific evidence. The choice of products from certified cultivations and safe extraction processes is essential to ensure maximum quality and safety. With high-quality manufacturing and a solid research base, CBD represents a promising addition to skincare and overall wellness regimens. To learn more and discover the products available, visit CBD oil.

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