the inauguration of the exhibition “Oro Verde – The bitter taste of the Kiwi” which denounces the exploitation of these workers is underway. The details

the inauguration of the exhibition “Oro Verde – The bitter taste of the Kiwi” which denounces the exploitation of these workers is underway. The details
the inauguration of the exhibition “Oro Verde – The bitter taste of the Kiwi” which denounces the exploitation of these workers is underway. The details

The June 17th in Rionero at the headquarters of Urban Vision in Via Fontana 1961at 6.00 pm the exhibition “Oro Verde – The bitter taste of Kiwi” opens in the presence of the author, the journalist and photographer Stefania Prandi.

The initiative is financed with the resources of the SAI project promoted by the Province of Potenza and managed by ARCI Basilicata and the Consorzio Officine Sociali.

Green Gold is an exhibition born from the investigation carried out between 2021 and 2022 by female journalists Stefania Prandi, Francesca Cicculli, Kusum Arora and Charlotte Aagaard, financed by Journalismfund Europe and published in national newspapers, such as IrpiMedia, il Manifesto, Internazionale, and international newspapers such as El Pais, Al Jazeera, The Wire, Taz, Danwatch, VoxEurope.

Stefania Prandi’s photos look back the stages of the research journey between the Agro Pontino, in the province of Latina and Punjab, an Indian state that borders Rajasthan to the south where the capital Delhi is, and to the east with Pakistan.

The investigation investigated him exploitation of Indian workers hidden behind the kiwi supply chain.

Italy, with 320 thousand tons exported to 50 countries, for a turnover of over 400 million euros, is the main European producer of kiwis and the third in the world after China and New Zealand.

The first region of our country where the “green berry” is grown is Lazio.

Globally, a third of all kiwis traded in large-scale retail trade come from the multinational Zespri.

A good part of the fruit sold under the New Zealand brand comes from the province of Latina (10%).

A gigantic market, which in Italy alone has almost 3 thousand hectares of fields, hundreds of producers and thousands of labourers.

In addition to the author of the photographs, guests of the SAI project of the Province of Potenza will participate in the inauguration managed by ARCI Basilicata with Consorzio Officine Solidali, the Mayor of Rionero Mario Di Nitto, the Equality Councilor of the Province of Potenza Simona Bonito, the President of Arci Basilicata Paolo Pesacane and the President of Visioni Urbane Donato Pitoia.

This initiative is included in the “migrAzioni 2024” program organized by the Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata which aims to celebrate the “World Refugee Day” as part of the reception activities of SAI projects with photographic exhibitions, documentaries, cultural and sporting events.

From the 13 May until 28 June they are involved the inhabitants of various centers in Basilicata who host refugees to remember that in 2023 over 110 million people were forced to flee due to wars and persecution according to UNHCR data.

The exhibition will be open to visitors free until June 26th upon reservation by calling 348.47569527.

Here is the program of the initiative.

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