From Ticino to live a day in a Zurich without rules

From Ticino to live a day in a Zurich without rules
From Ticino to live a day in a Zurich without rules

Even transgression has its composed, precise and rule-abiding side. Word of those who work ‘behind the scenes’ to make the Zurich Street Parade what it is, that is, the largest, best-known and most prestigious electronic music festival in all of Europe. In addition to the organizers of the event, representing the beating heart of the event there are also the so-called ‘Love Mobiles’, i.e. decorated trucks on which there are speakers playing music at full volume, DJs and groups of cheering people. . And this year, at the Techno procession on Saturday, the colors of Ticino will also parade among the floats. In fact, six years later, the Ticino truck will make its return to the Street Parade (set for 10 August) with the ‘The Wagon’ project, proposed by the musical group ‘Materia Music’ in collaboration with Semintri, a company specializing in clothing sporty. The festival considered by many to be the ‘gem of the Zurich summer’ is just over two months away and ‘laRegione’ wanted to immerse itself in this world by meeting the guys from the red-blue ‘Wagon’.

From Locarno to Zurich ‘with love’

Behind ‘Materia Music’ there is a group of young people from the Locarno area, more precisely from Gambarogno and Vallemaggia. Representing them during the interview were two of them: Jonathan and Paride (aka John Blastoff and Pado), united by friendship but also by a passion for music, especially electronic music. Their passion has taken them from the dance floor to the mixing console, from the regional disco to the major national and international festivals.

«At the base of the Materia Music project there is a group of friends, DJs but also simple enthusiasts. At the beginning only from the Locarno area, but over the years boys and girls from all the regions of Ticino have also been part of it; – Jonathan says as he retraces the history of the group –. We have been participating in the Street Parade with the float for several years. After the stop in 2018 we decided to propose it again this year. I’m very enthusiastic about it because it’s my ‘first time as an organizer’ after my predecessor Massimo Giulietti (aka MAX.), decided to pass the baton to me.”

As previously mentioned, the undisputed protagonists of the festival are the Love Mobiles, which will parade along a 2 kilometer circuit. The parade of trucks will leave in the early afternoon from Utoquai, in the Seefeld district of Zurich, and then travel along the Zurich lake basin passing through Bellevue, Quaibrücke and Bürkliplatz up to Hafendamm Enge. But what exactly are these wagons? Can they be compared to carnival ones?

«The concept is similar. The trucks, mainly used in special transport, are very large and are used as a sort of mobile disco. The structure is created from scratch, as are the decorations. Each float has a specific theme and its own music and is something ‘for VIPs’; in the sense that whoever buys the ticket, or the ticket to go up there, finds himself in an environment with space, toilets, drinks offered and a privileged view. There can be up to 150-160 people on board”, explains Jonathan.

But it’s not all that simple, as Paride states (and confirms): «In construction you must follow very specific rules: the dimensions of the truck, the genre you will play, the decorations which must not be flammable, the sponsors you will display on the advertising banners … All things that drive us organizers crazy!

Ticino, a guest who stands out

The group of friends gains nothing from this type of initiative, which requires a large amount of time but also financial resources. The main income comes from sponsors, from evenings spent up and down Ticino playing music in bars and clubs (“to make oneself known, but above all to create a group”, as Paride declares), and from ticket sales (the price is set to 210 francs). But there is another interesting aspect, namely the internal competition: «Yes, during the Street there are no podiums or cups however, if the final work is of quality, if there is an original idea you are rewarded with the starting order; that is, the floats that open the queue are the most prestigious. Usually the best are in the top ten. We have always been among the first places, one year we even started fourth, which is a super result if you consider that the first float to open the dance is that of the police, followed by the second and third which are those of the organisers” , says Jonathan.

And then there is the music factor which is no exception. In fact, the Street Parade, in addition to being a non-profit event, is very successful in Switzerland but also in the rest of Europe (and beyond). The numbers of participants fluctuate between 800 thousand and one million. «It is one of the largest events in the world. Many DJs dream of being able to perform one day. This is also why we organizers take advantage of it to directly contact famous or emerging artists to ask them to play with us, without perhaps going through agencies”, says Paride.

And on the Ticino bandwagon, in addition to our favorites, there will also be an international guest from Berlin who has been making himself known on the Techno scene for a few years: Amotik.

The rules of transgression

To participate in the Street Parade, everything must be perfect and with attention to the smallest details. «We are very nervous. We can’t leave anything to chance and the part where we are most nervous is the moment when the police check the truck. The wagon is assembled on Friday in Zurich, not here in Ticino for safety reasons and the authorities control it. It doesn’t take much, a simple forgetfulness, and you can’t participate. It is one of the most transgressive events and yet the organization is ironclad and rigid. It’s paradoxical, although understandable for security reasons; – Jonathan tells us, who concludes – But in the end all your efforts are rewarded when you are in the middle of all that crowd that cheers you and dances happy and carefree. It is a unique experience, but one to do at least once in a lifetime! Because everyone should try the experience of living one day in a Zurich without (apparent) rules.

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