Trump turns 78, ‘Happy Birthday’ at Congress and mega party in Palm Beach – SulPanaro

Trump turns 78, ‘Happy Birthday’ at Congress and mega party in Palm Beach – SulPanaro
Trump turns 78, ‘Happy Birthday’ at Congress and mega party in Palm Beach – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – Donald Trump turns 78 today and receives the best gift from the Republicans in Congress, complete control of the Great Old Party to the former president and candidate for the White House, fresh from his criminal conviction in the New York trial. During the long-awaited first visit to Capitol Hill after the assault on Congress by his supporters on January 6, 2021, Republican deputies and senators welcomed Trump by singing “Happy Birthday”, complete with gifts and a cake with the flag on top American. A scene that some American media describe as a true act of capitulation and submission on the part of the party, in particular of members who, after the hours of terror spent hiding from the Trumpian insurrectionists who wanted to “hang Mike Pence”, had taken critical positions towards the tycoon. Now everything is behind us, and indeed the former president presented himself to the Republicans in Congress as a reunifying force from the party divided by an internal war. After his visit to Congress yesterday, the celebrations will continue today in Palm Beach where 5,000 of his supporters have purchased tickets between 35 and 60 dollars each to attend a birthday rally-party. Despite all these displays of affection, and confirmations of power and influence of the tycoon who polls currently show winning in November, Trump has not failed to show a certain melancholy in recent days: “You get to a certain point where you don’t want to listen to Happy Birthday , you just want to pretend that this day doesn’t exist”, escaped him during a rally last Sunday, when someone sang “happy birthday” to him in advance. Trump’s confession confirms how the issue of age is central to these elections with the replay of a duel between a president who seeks re-election at 81, and continues to show signs of tiredness that increasingly alarm Democrats, and a former president who today reaches the considerable age of 78. The same one that Biden had in the 2020 elections, when Trump used the advanced age card of ‘Sleepy Joe’ in every way. “Remember what I tell you: 78 years does not mean old”, stated the tycoon in an interview with the New York Post two years ago, given on the occasion of the death of his ex-wife Ivana at 73. But the reality is that if in the event of victory in November, Trump would take office in the White House next January at 78 years and 219 days, thus snatching the record of being the oldest incumbent president from Joe Biden than at the time of his inauguration. he was ‘only’ 78 and 61 days old. —internazionale/[email protected] (Web Info)

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