The League’s friendly fire on Salvini. And Vannacci already speaks as a leader

The League’s friendly fire on Salvini. And Vannacci already speaks as a leader
The League’s friendly fire on Salvini. And Vannacci already speaks as a leader

After the flop of the European Championships, the internal faction grows in the League and Salvini tries to save himself but Vannacci already speaks as leader

He fell but saved himself by handing the League over to the general of discord Roberto Vannacci. A masterpiece, in short. There is a joke circulating in via Bellerio, where the national headquarters of the League is located: «The new secretary of the League is no longer Matteo, but Vannacci himself». General laughter. The process of mutation of League it happened and “vannaccismo” seems to have prevailed. Has the League transformed into something else? Is Gianfranco Miglio turning over in his grave? Questions that no one dares to answer, because the current head of the League is observing everyone with suspicion.


And Bossi? Umberto has already said what he thinks. When the polls were open he declared that he had voted Forza Italia: «I voted for my old friend Marco Reguzzoni». Words that inflamed the already overheated climate of the League. Matteo Salvini opened the process: «The base decides on Bossi». He threatens to expel him, but few are betting on such a scenario. It’s too dangerous to show someone who invented a party that today remains the longest-running in the Italian Republic to the door.

Even more so as a congress to be held towards the end of the year approaches: Salvini intends to continue his career as secretary. The secretary of the League puts his face to it and seems to address his internal opponents: I’m running, and you? And then the question is turned to the Northerners, to those who in recent weeks have no longer shared every action of the secretary.
There are several names circulating as potential challengers to Salvini. First of all Luca Zaia, governor of Veneto, one of those who obtained 70% of the votes in his region.

Another profile that is often cited is that of Massimiliano Fedriga, governor of Friuli. When asked about the matter, Fedriga sends the question back to the sender: «No, nothing plausible, it’s a story that I’ve heard for years and to which I’m now accustomed. Even Zaia, however, has already denied the hypothesis of becoming a minister.” So what will happen, Fedriga? «We simply have to do an internal analysis on how to continue to build and strengthen the League, as Salvini also said, in the coming years. There will be important regional rounds and then the big game of the 2027 policies. Now we have consolidated the vote for the latest policies, but we aim to grow further.”


There are discontents and they are widespread at multiple levels. If Zaia appears ecumenical in front of the cameras, Roberto Marcato, councilor for Productive Activities of the Veneto, argues with Salvini: «We got fewer votes than two years ago and Vannacci brought nothing».
It is difficult to digest the disappointment of having been overtaken by Forza Italia, which with 0.6% more stole the centre-right’s silver medal at national level from the Northern League. We must consider the fact that, in absolute terms, the party lost something like 375 thousand votes and we can just console ourselves for the fact that we did little better than the 2022 elections in terms of percentage (from 8.8% to 9% ).
For the rest nothing can be saved. The League lost everywhere. The most sensational figure is Pontida, where the mayoral candidate lost after twenty years. In the north-east constituency, which has always been a fiefdom of the League, Salvini’s party stopped in third place behind Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia.
And what about Milan, the city of which Salvini dreams of one day becoming mayor, where the League even finished behind Calenda and the United States of Europe? “The fact that Forza Italia has surpassed us, albeit slightly, leads us to reflect” observes the group leader in the Senate, Massimiliano Romeo.


The doubts among all lead back to the political line, to having embraced the theories of Roberto Vannacci who from his Viareggio continues to exalt his anti-Europeanism: «I can say that the elections tell us, now, that we don’t like this Europe. We need another, different Europe. Of a change of pace. I would say that the vote shows us that this is the popular will.”
He speaks as if he were the secretary of the League. He goes so far as to comment on the hypothesis of a trial that Salvini would like to reserve for Umberto Bossi, labeled a “traitor” by the entire Salvinian world: “I didn’t say that Bossi is a traitor and I would never say so. I gave the example, taken from personal life, that if a friend turns his back on you, he behaves in a very questionable manner. However, I believe that the many controversies surrounding the vote presumably caused the percentage at which the League could have achieved a decrease. However, I am convinced that the League is on the eve of a great relaunch. I’m sure. The era of controversy ended with the vote, now we move forward as a group and I am an MEP who makes myself available to support this relaunch and make this impressive wave that is forming throughout Europe grow. I respect the governors and ministers of the Northern League and I will work together with them because only together can we be decisive. Salvini made a courageous choice and, with courage, we will move forward.”

Finally, there is the suspicion of many that last-minute Northern League supporters – like Vannacci – have used via Bellerio to get elected and sooner or later they will leave. This is also the case of former Forza Italia supporter Aldo Patriciello, who won over 80 thousand votes in the South. “All of these – including Vannacci – will be gone in six months” they murmur in Transatlantico. It is no coincidence that Vannacci has no intention of taking the card. Vannacci will remain independent. In the meantime he has already taken the League.

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