A year without Silvio Berlusconi, the day of remembrance


Of Cristiana Flaminio June 12, 2024

A year without Silvio Berlusconi, the day of remembrance of the “president”, the political leader, the statesman and the sportsman. Berlusconi’s children wanted to pay homage to their father by purchasing a page in Italian newspapers: “Sweet dad, your love will live forever within us”, signed Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi Berlusconi. In Libero, Adriano Galliani reiterated the importance, not only political, of Silvio’s memory: “Berlusconi’s spirit goes beyond his passing. That Berlusconi president in the logo of our party has certainly allowed Tajani (an early Berlusca boy, he was its spokesperson in ’94, remember?) To achieve the result he achieved. Then, for heaven’s sake, Antonio was very good, he managed to unify the whole party in the memory of the founder, he understood that Berlusconi was in any case irreplaceable. And, in fact, he did not replace him”.

“His” Mediaset will dedicate an entire day of remembrance and tribute to the memory of the founder. From commercials to feature films: “Thank you president”. Rai will also dedicate space and time to remembering the most incisive figure of the 1980s and up to the first decades of the 2000s. In memory of Silvio Berlusconi there will be two appointments, on Rai 1 in the late evening and in the morning on RaiNews, and then in-depth analysis and dedicated services. The Agorà program (broadcast from 8am) on Rai 3 will dedicate the first in-depth analysis; from 9am, however, Rai 1 will deal with it with Unomattina Estate. There will be a special on Rainews24 hosted by Roberto Vicaretti broadcast at 10am with studio guests and links, as well as filmed contributions to commemorate the figure of Silvio Berlusconi and his impact on Italian politics. An episode dedicated to Berlusconi also for The Horse and the Tower, broadcast at 8.40pm on Rai 3 while in the late evening on Rai 1 Porta a Porta by Bruno Vespa will retrace the career of the founder of Forza Italia.

“Album Berlusconi” will be available on Raiplay, an entire section dedicated to the leader of Forza Italia which collects an anthology of materials from the Teche Rai which retraces the most important passages of his public life, from his beginnings as a builder in Milan in the 70s to the commercial TV season in the 80s, passing through the AC Milan adventure, up to his entry onto the country’s political scene.

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