Office ceiling collapses: fear in city hall

Office ceiling collapses: fear in city hall
Office ceiling collapses: fear in city hall

Some panels of a false ceiling suddenly came off yesterday afternoon in the municipality of Pulsano, in the province of Taranto. Fortunately, the accident did not…

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Some panels of a false ceiling suddenly came off yesterday afternoon in the municipality of Pulsano, in the province of Taranto. Fortunately, the accident did not cause any injuries. The offices of the municipal house were immediately cleared out and local police officers and the fire brigade intervened on site. The area was immediately cordoned off and checks were carried out to verify the static nature of the structure. The news of the collapse was given by the mayor of Pulsano Pietro D’Alfonso himself from his social profile.


“Yesterday afternoon, around 2.20pm – explained the mayor – the false ceiling of the external entrance hall of the main entrance, west side, of the municipal house, the subject of recent energy efficiency works, occurred. Fortunately there was no damage to people or things. As soon as I heard of the incident, I proceeded to summon the manager of the technical office, the director of the works and the company carrying out the works, as well as requesting the urgent intervention of the Fire Brigade, to verify the state of the places and understand the causes of the ‘event. In the meantime, I immediately had the electoral office and its employees cleared out, moving them to the wing where the Local Police Headquarters is located to continue the support work at the polling stations for the voting operations underway today. Those who intervened in various capacities made the area affected by the event safe and, subsequently, the resulting material was removed.”

The provision

“Following all the aforementioned operations – added the mayor – I proceeded to issue the union order with which I ordered the closure of all municipal offices, with the exception of the Local Police and Social Services sectors, for the today, in order to guarantee the public safety of citizens, employees and administrators, I have also sent, by certified email, an urgent communication to the director of the works, to the contracting company and to the manager of the technical office so that in the first hours of tomorrow morning continue with the further necessary checks and controls on the entire municipal structure to verify whether there are still any dangers of any kind, so that the institution is protected in all the appropriate competent offices and remains free from any consequences deriving from what happened today.”


Read the full article at
Puglia Newspaper

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