Turnout in the province drops. High percentages in the Apennines. Black jersey for Brescello

Turnout in the province drops. High percentages in the Apennines. Black jersey for Brescello
Turnout in the province drops. High percentages in the Apennines. Black jersey for Brescello

Turnout in our province fell by more than eight points (-8.35% to be precise) in the European elections, albeit in a context of much higher electoral affection than the national average. The percentage of the province of Reggio at 11pm yesterday stood at 60.96%, compared to 69.31 in 2019 and 72.97 in 2014. The call to the polls last electoral weekend started timidly across the entire province, with a figure that stopped overall at 18.87% on Saturday evening, then reaching 32.72% at 12pm yesterday, 51.83 at 7pm, to reach the final 60.96 when the polls closed at 11pm yesterday .

One thing is certain: turnout, once again, was driven by the vote in the administrative elections. In fact, in the municipalities where the new mayor was not supposed to be elected, the percentages of Reggio citizens voting (although among the highest in the country) remained even below 50%.

Among the most significant data for attendance at the polls are those of the municipalities of the Apennines and the foothills, which confirm themselves as the most loyal voters in the province and which recorded the highest figures in the run-up to the polls (as was the case in 2019 and 2014 ).

The municipality with the highest turnout was Toano with 70.92%, closely followed by Carpineti (70.85) and Albinea (70.56). However, the data in Lower Italy is more disappointing. Black jersey of the province, once again, in Brescello (which did not have to choose the mayor). In 2019 the country of Peppone and Don Camillo stopped at 53.57% for the European elections. While today it collapses by almost a further eleven points and stops at 42.95%. The figures for Canossa (49.04), Luzzara (49.23), Castelnovo Sotto (49.60) are also very low, remaining below the 50% turnout threshold. All countries in which, however, citizens were called to place a cross only for Brussels.

For comparison. In the capital municipality, 71.78% of voters voted in the European elections in 2014, and 68.88% in 2019. While this year the turnout stopped at 62.07%.

In the European elections of 26 May 2019 (on that occasion voting took place in a single day) 276,956 Reggio citizens out of 399,582 voters showed up to vote throughout the province (equal to 69.31%).

In that session the peaks in attendance at the polls had always been reached in the hills and in the Apennines. First of all Vezzano, with 78.37%, followed by Carpineti with 76.94%, Albinea with 75.92% and Castelnovo Monti with its 74.43%.

In 2014, however, the provincial turnout in the European elections was 72.97%, with the peak once again in the Apennine countries: Vetto (82.07%), Carpineti (81.19) and Ligonchio (81, 02) on the podium. Black jersey, that time, in Canossa, with a paltry 61.41. Reggio, on the other hand, reached 71.86% of voters.

The vote. From the first data of the ballots at 1 yesterday (when a quarter of the sections of the province had been counted) a picture of substantial growth appeared for the PD and Fratelli d’Italia compared to previous elections (a real boom for Meloni’s party, when compared with the data from the 2019 European Championships). From the first data coming from the polls, the performance of the League and the 5 Star Movement appeared disappointing.

The Democratic Party in the province of Reggio, in the 2019 European elections, reached 34.78%, the League 29.88%, then the 5 Star Movement with 14.33%, Forza Italia with 5.18%. Fratelli d’Italia five years ago received just 3.9% in our province, followed by +Europa-Italia in Comune-Pde Italia with 3.44, Europa Verde with 2.88, La Sinistra (2.24) and Communist Party (1.36). The other symbols stopped at zero point.

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