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Eleven fires in Sicily on a Sunday characterized by African heat

Eleven fires in Sicily on a Sunday characterized by African heat
Eleven fires in Sicily on a Sunday characterized by African heat

Eleven fires broke out today in Sicily on this day characterized by African heat. Foresters and firefighters were involved in three fires in the Agrigento area, two in the Nisseno area, two in the Catania area, two in the Messina area and two in the Syracuse area.

The flames broke out in the Agrigento area in Caltabellotta in the Cuttunaro district, in Agrigento in the Piano Gatta district and in Cattolica Eraclea in the Piano Comune district. In the Catania area in Caltagirone in the Coste Chiazzine district and in Licodia Eubea in the Cava San Giorgio district. In the Nisseno area in Mazzarino in the San Cono Sottano district and in Niscemi in the Ulmo district. In the Syracuse area in Noto in the Forbici district and in the Villa Vela district and finally in the Messina area in Gioiosa Marea in the Catello district, in Tortorici in the Santa Nagra district.

High temperatures

Today throughout Sicily the temperatures were very high with the thermometer exceeding 30 degrees centigrade everywhere and in some cases reaching almost 40 as in Franconfonte (Syracuse), where according to the findings of the Sias (Sicilian Agrometeorological Information Service) of the Region the mercury reached 39.6 degrees.

In the next few days the African heat wave is expected to strengthen: in Sicily the peak of the heat will be reached between Tuesday and Wednesday with 43°C announced in the internal areas, between Enna and Caltanissetta.

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