Gantz (for now) does not leave: “Let’s think about the hostages.” The Prime Minister: we will free everyone

Gantz (for now) does not leave: “Let’s think about the hostages.” The Prime Minister: we will free everyone
Gantz (for now) does not leave: “Let’s think about the hostages.” The Prime Minister: we will free everyone

The dramatic blitz with which Israel recovered four hostages in Gaza has postponed, and perhaps failed, the ultimatum of centrist minister Benny Gantz (photo). In fact, last night he planned to announce his exit from the government due to differences with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the management of the war and on the political prospects for the future of Gaza. But in the climate of enthusiasm created by the images of the free hostages, and while Netanyahu was already celebrating the success of the operation by hugging them in a Tel Aviv hospital, Gantz understood that he was forced to review the plans. “I want to praise the fighters of our armed forces,” he wrote in a statement. “They showed great courage. Our hearts today go out to the families of the other hostages. We must do everything we can to bring them home.” Gantz then announced that he had already learned on Thursday that the operation was in an advanced planning stage to free the hostages. Despite this, he had given instructions to still announce his televised speech for last night because – he explained – if it had been cancelled, it might have aroused Hamas’s suspicions.

Even at this juncture, Netanyahu still found it appropriate to launch a small poisonous arrow towards Gantz. In a statement he specified that he authorized the raid on Gaza on Thursday “together with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar”. However, he did not find it appropriate to mention on this occasion the other members of the war cabinet: Gantz, in fact, and Gadi Eizenkot, who is also preparing to leave the government.

Netanyahu said to the newly released hostages: “I want to make it clear that we will return all the hostages home. Even now we are working on other returns, there are also other possibilities.” Perhaps a hint at the negotiations (which are still languishing) for an exchange of prisoners in Gaza and for a lasting truce that is very dear to the United States. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will return to Israel tomorrow. Yesterday Netanyahu appealed to Gantz not to leave the government.

“The challenges for Israel – replied Gantz – are always the same, both with regards to the 120 hostages and for our security on the various fronts, in the region, in the international context and also in our society. Even today – he added – we must look responsibly and establish which path to take.” So is he leaving or not? In the text he did not include answers. Today, an aide confirmed, he will participate in the government’s weekly session.

Aldo Baquis

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