Health, olive and seed oil harmful: analyzes have found a terrifying poison | Never buy it again

Health and oil: analyzes have found a poison – Depositphotos –

The University of Bologna has carried out important research and discovered something serious about the oil you use for cooking.

The world has changed and you know it, the capitalist system has imploded on itself, because in the long term he only tried to implement the business and revenues.

Over the years you have seen your food lose quality, your seas become polluted, the land lose its fruits and the climate change due to the release of particulates that have ruined the earth’s balance.

Looking for a green turning point is now importanteveryone must make their maximum contribution to help save the planet and all its inhabitants.

For this reason, implement survey studies to find out what ends up on the tables it is a help to safeguard everyone’s health.

The discovery of oil

The University of Bologna has detected for the first time the presence of microplastics in different types of oil extra virgin olive oil, olive oil, seed oil and mixed oil, in PET and glass bottles, produced in Italy and Spain.

In the analysis of the oil samples, an average microplastic abundance of 1,140 x 350 MP/L was found. The microplastics detected, being most of them fragments, had dimensions of 100 microns and mainly composed of polyethylene and polypropylene. Statistical analysis demonstrated that there were no significant differences in the presence of particles between types of vegetable oil or packaging.

Microplastics in oil – Depositphotos –

Microplastics harmful to health

If you reflect, microplastics are present on your tables constantly, according to studies, up to two thousand tiny fragments are ingested per week, which corresponds to approximately 5 grams, the equivalent in weight of a credit card. On average they amount to over 250 grams per year, a very bleak picture.

The main problem is the fact that Plastic materials undergo very slow degradation processes: objects such as plastic bags and the like tend to fragment first, which makes it almost impossible to eliminate them afterwards. Naturally, once present in the oceans, they re-enter the food chain, via water and the consumption of contaminated food. Furthermore, if we take into account the fact that plastic materials are the result of the petroleum processing cycle, it is evident that these substances can be of various types and contain polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic hydrocarbons, styrene, toxic metals, phthalates, bisphenol A and etc. The body is unable to eliminate them and health is gone forever,

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