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Feltri attacks Minister Tajani: “Why did you accept the deal in the EU?”

Feltri attacks Minister Tajani: “Why did you accept the deal in the EU?”
Feltri attacks Minister Tajani: “Why did you accept the deal in the EU?”

Feltri attacks Minister Tajani: “Why did you accept the mess in the EU?”

A fiery editorial signed today by Vittorio Feltri against Antonio Tajani. According to the editorial director of the newspaper, in fact, the deputy prime minister is nothing more than an offshoot of the left in Europe. Where instead he should follow Giorgia Meloni and not play into the hands of Elly Schlein and the “gloating” left.

Here’s what he wrote: “Meloni, in Thursday’s session of the European Council of 27, rebelled and abstained on von der Leyen («out of respect for Forza Italia», which is the local pillar of the EPP), and rejecting the others. I understood a bit of malice in that claimed respect for the government ally. One way to make it known: dear Tajani, it is impossible that you were not aware of that meeting that excluded not so much me, but Italy – are you or are you not a leader of the EPP?: why did you accept the deal?

Is Meloni right to be furious? Obvious. If sovereignty belongs to the European peoples, it is not clear why the humiliation of Italy, founder of the EU, third in terms of inhabitants and GDP, as well as governed by the only majority that emerged from the recent consultations, is preordained. Elections should be made on purpose to give entry into our control room to those who have won and deny it to those who have been defeated. Instead, those who were tarnished by their own people, that is, the leaders of Germany and France, Scholz and Macron, return to command as if nothing had happened. Not just them: even the continental groupings of which they are part, socialists and liberals, left the polls skeletonized. Instead, the European People’s Party, the Conservatives and Reformists (FdI-Meloni) and Le Pen’s identitarian right of which the League is part have grown just like in Italy.

Wait a minute. A little question. The European People’s Party is the linchpin of the center-left in Europe, its dominus, and in this imperial guise it leaves outside the door, in the valets’ antechamber, the Italian center-right government to which it provides one of its leaders in the role of vice-premier? Have we understood correctly? Translated: Forza Italia on the left in Brussels and on the right in Italy, perhaps to convince the others in the government to align themselves with the foremen allied with Schlein?

I read that Tajani has confirmed that Forza Italia will vote unanimously for von der Leyen in the EU Parliament. With this reasoning: “A clear distinction has emerged between relations between parties and relations between countries. So there has been no isolation of Italy, if we want to make an objective analysis.” I prefer my subjective analysis. The good of Italy is superior to the needs of the party, if this party weakens the government of which it is an essential part. Dear Antonio, don’t you see how Elly Schlein and the entire left are gloating? I’m not surprised. There is a vulture-like coherence in this wishing for evil in Italy in order to harm domestic adversaries. It is the communist logic of the worse the better. Berlusconi has shown us something else.

I invite Tajani to a saving act of piracy, to a glorious incursion that I would politically incorrectly call X Mas. I realize that a feline leap would break the spell of the silent European career of the current head of Forza Italia. He has reached the top of the Strasbourg Parliament ensconced in the cotton wool of the EPP arranged for him by Berlusconi. If Silvio were alive he would roar, but since the symbol is still in his name, he is doing it even in death. Take a trip to the mausoleum in Arcore, and Tajani would feel a shiver go through the urn of his ashes. Berlusconi managed to have Forza Italia included in the European People’s Party, in spite of the left-wing Christian Democrats, but certainly not to act as a cavalier servente to German supremacy. Challenge yourself and the president of the EPP, also German, Manfred Weber. Give an ultimatum, dear Antonio. You still have time. Either you open up to our ally the Prime Minister in a clear and official way or we choose to protect Italy even at the cost of denying Ursula the vote.

In my opinion, Ursula gives in. Whatever happens, however, dear deputy prime minister, your voters would carry you around in the gestatorial chair. I would dedicate a salamelecco to you too, even if it meant breaking my back”.

Harsh reaction from the blue party: “Superficial and distracted, victim of senile confusion”. “Today’s article by Vittorio Feltri will not enter the top ten of his writings. Evidently out of superficiality or distraction he wrote things that ignore reality. The role of the EPP and in particular that of Tajani are precious for the Italian Government and I would say in particular for Giorgia Meloni, I imagine these days grateful for what Antonio Tajani and Forza Italia are doing in the EPP and in the European context. Things are a little more complicated than how Feltri describes them, who evidently wrote, in a moment of evening euphoria, his article. ” This was stated by the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri.

“In Europe – he recalls – they deal not only with states, but also with political formations. The EPP is the cornerstone of the centre-right. And Forza Italia is precious for Italy and within the EPP. And Tajani has forcefully placed within the EPP and in all the contexts in which he enjoys great prestige (having been European Commissioner, Vice President of the European Commission, Vice President and then President of the European Parliament, still Vice President of the EPP), the theme of respect for Italy, for which we ask the vice president of the Commission and a delegation of great weight for Raffaele Fitto who, moreover, is part of the Meroni Government and of the party led by Giorgia Meloni knows all these things and is certainly grateful to Antonio Tajani for that what is he doing”.

“Perhaps he failed to inform Vittorio Feltri of everything that is happening. Which would have allowed him to write an article, not based on his impulses, but on the reality of the facts. Thank goodness Forza Italia is there. Thank goodness the EPP is there. Thank goodness Tajani is there. The fact that Feltri doesn’t know it matters little. Instead, Giorgia Meloni and all the allies of the Italian center-right know it well. We – concludes Gasparri – call ourselves Forza Italia and with sobriety, from every perspective, we know how to defend Italy. And since Tajani and I are also journalists, we may write a more informed and more lucid article than that of the otherwise highly esteemed Vittorio Feltri. Who made a mistake in an article. He always has time to apologize for all the nonsense he forced an important newspaper to publish”.

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