Mazzoni, NAS blitz at the Cardiology department

Mazzoni, NAS blitz at the Cardiology department
Mazzoni, NAS blitz at the Cardiology department

“Structural inadequacies”, but overall nothing particularly serious in the immediate future and, above all, not remediable. This is the outcome of the checks that were carried out yesterday on the cardiology department of the Mazzoni hospital in Ascoli. A check ordered by the Ascoli Prosecutor’s Office that periodically verifies the conditions of hospital environments. Yesterday morning, therefore, the military personnel of the Anti-Adult Food Safety Unit, supported by the Carabinieri of the investigative unit of the provincial command of Ascoli, showed up at the department and subjected it to a careful inspection. Furthermore, the Carabinieri of the Ascoli unit have also been at the Ascoli hospital in recent days to carry out checks, always on the mandate of the Ascoli judiciary that sometimes acts on its own initiative, other times following reports of alleged anomalies. At the end of the checks yesterday morning, a report was drawn up containing annotations that highlighted some critical issues. “They asked us to adapt the toilets and some of the hospital rooms. The cardiology department – explains Nicoletta Natalini, general director of the Ascoli Ast, abroad – is the only department that has not been renovated according to the new criteria. An intervention that is already in the plans”.

Pepper Ercoli

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