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European elections. Let’s vote for Peace and not for those who want the death of our children (Aurelio Tarquini)

European elections. Let’s vote for Peace and not for those who want the death of our children (Aurelio Tarquini)
European elections. Let’s vote for Peace and not for those who want the death of our children (Aurelio Tarquini)

The placement of Italy and the EU in the Atlanticist coalition which fuels the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza with increasingly devastating weapons, was unfortunately not among the most popular themes of the campaign for the European Elections which therefore will not be, but would have it should have been, a referendum on peace or war rather than a classic electoral dispute between right and left.

Many citizens are inclined not to vote thinking that abstentionism is a valid form of protest, a clear signal to the current leadership in Brussels that it is not well liked. On the contrary, abstentionism facilitates this hated leadership which for years has been working to ensure that more and more citizens renounce the right to vote in order to have carte blanche.

A trend that began in Italy in the 1990s when the strong powers (which no one knows but which unfortunately exist and govern) caused the cliché “they are all thieves” to spread among the population to distance the masses from the polls and destroy participatory democracy without declaring it.

The European elections are an opportunity to make our voice and our desire for peace heard. The alternative is represented by a risk too serious to take: seeing our children die in a distant non-EU country for a drug-addicted and kleptomaniac oligarch.

So who to vote for? I agree with the concise analysis of the Peace Parties made by the journalist Vincenzo Lorusso on Telegram, with the addition of the independent candidate of the PD Marco Tarquinio. These are the peace parties in Italy. The choice is wide and anyone can delve into the political programs published on their websites.

Peace, Earth, Dignity.

Do not confuse the solidarity given to the attacked with supplying him with weapons and inciting him to battle by promising him impossible victories, fueling an infinite conflict capable of precipitating into a third world war, up to the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of the human race and nature. It is necessary to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and assist it in a negotiation that guarantees mutual security to the parties and resolves the dispute over the disputed lands with democratic and self-determination procedures

5 Star Movement

Stop arms to Ukraine
Let’s say enough to the sending of new weapons and let’s pursue peace in every way. Europe must work towards a Peace Conference from
be held under the aegis of the UN.
Pursue the “ceasefire”
immediate even in the Middle
East, yes to recognition
of the State of Palestine.

Green Left Alliance

Stop the supply of weapons
Halt military supplies and create a framework for a ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the
withdrawal of Russian troops and the start of negotiations for a lasting peace.
Work using all diplomatic and economic levers for a
cease fire immediately
unconditional in Gaza.

Marco Tarquinio independent candidate in the PD

Marco Tarquinio, born in 1958, editor of Avvenire from 2009 to 2023 (which he brought into the top four most circulated newspapers in Italy) and now an independent candidate for the European Parliament for the Democratic Party, is the “terrible boy” of this electoral campaign. Thanks to his slogan “peace is better”. Because Europe is either peace or it isn’t. Pointing out that what is happening in Gaza is perhaps not a genocide but ethnic cleansing, yes, and that perhaps Europe could say a few words to Israel. And that the theories of the new NATO risk leading us all to disaster. Basically a heretic, with someone already ready to collect sticks and matches.

Freedom by Cateno De Luca

“Freedom to profess Peace, Italy is not belligerent. We need a peace agreement to stop the massacre of human lives. In the meantime, Italy declares itself non-belligerent and sends humanitarian aid rather than spending money on weapons”

Sovereign and Popular Democracy

DSP requires compliance with the art. 11 of the Constitution which states that “Italy repudiates war”. For more than a year, that fundamental point has not been respected and our country has been involved in the war in Ukraine despite the opposition of the Italian people and despite the fact that the war is between two countries – Russia and Ukraine – which do not belong to the the military alliance of NATO, nor the political alliance of the European Union

Aurelio Tarquini

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