Home relief arrives to give a breath of fresh air to those who take care of the elderly and disabled

Home relief arrives to give a breath of fresh air to those who take care of the elderly and disabled
Home relief arrives to give a breath of fresh air to those who take care of the elderly and disabled

National and international studies confirm that the caregiver’s burden of care requires moments of pause to allow the recovery of psycho-physical energy and to resume one’s own living spaces; for this purpose, home relief will be available. Through an agreement called a breath of fresh air ‘air between’Ausl – Carpi Health Districtin concert with i Social services of the Union of Lands of Argineand the Social cooperative for the elderly and beyond, interventions can be carried out for family members of disabled and non-self-sufficient people to alleviate their care burden. “This form of relief, innovative at a national level, is the result of successful experimentation in our territory – he comments Licia Boccalettipresident of Anziani e non solo – aims to allow the caregiver to take a breath, recovering time for their life goals and at the same time guaranteeing continuity of care for their loved one at home”.

During the four-hour weekly period, the caregiver will be replaced by a specially trained operator capable of carrying out, for the limited relief period, the main functions of the caregiver. After an initial phase of mutual understanding it will also be possible to activate the relief for an entire weekend. The intervention will be preceded by an analysis of the home care profile through an interview with a dedicated social worker. The interventions will be constantly monitored to verify user satisfaction. Interested caregivers will be able to contact the social services of the Unione delle Terre d’Argine who, based on the care load and level of stress, will activate the process. The process will be facilitated through a dedicated IT platform, made available by Jointly Company, which will allow the issuing of a “service title”, for which a sharing may be requested, based on the ISEE. The operator will be sent by the Human Employment Agency, which is collaborating on the project. For all those admitted to the service, a free “trial” month will be possible to verify its actual compliance with their needs.

“Another example of virtuous collaboration between institutions and associations – he commented Stefania Ascari, director of the Carpi Health District – to meet the needs of many citizens of the area who carry out the role of caregivers with considerable and exhausting efforts. The measure is intended to be a way to alleviate the stress load of the family member, in the direction of maintaining proximity and home-based assistance, an objective that the Local Health Authority has been pursuing for some time”. The comment from was also positive Sabrina Tellini, head of the Elderly and Disabled Service of the Union of the Lands of Argine: “the activation of this service was possible through the resources made available by the Union. The relief, organized in this way, represents a further opportunity to support home care and manage chronicity in support of the family caregiver, who can feel relieved by the daily management of care, but reassured by the fact of keeping their relative in their home” .

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