Olympic team presented in Ville Ponti – Varesenoi.it

Olympic team presented in Ville Ponti – Varesenoi.it
Olympic team presented in Ville Ponti – Varesenoi.it

Another chapter of partnership between the territory and the Australia of rowing was held yesterday in the suggestive setting of Bridges Villas.

It took place here yesterday afternoon, the official presentation of the Australian Olympic team composed by forty-four rowers who will participate in Paris Olympicsthe next one starts July 26th.

Also present at the event Mauro Temperelli, general secretary of the Varese Chamber of Commercewho made his own available for the occasion Convention Centerin the context of Varese Sports Commissionfor the contribution made by Australian sport to the image and tourism economy of the area.

The Australian rowing team is among the most numerous in the worldand the one presented yesterday in Varese also includes seven medalists at the last Tokyo Olympic Games. All participants wore for the first time the Paris Olympic uniform.

The forty-four members of the formation are spread over nine boatsof which six with female crew and three with male crew. It will therefore be a pink Olympics for Australian rowing.

He attended the event Stephen Donnelley, newly elected president of the Australian federationon his first official outing in his new role. Also present were the advisor of the International Federation World Rowing and Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Rowing Federation Sarah Cook and the entrepreneur and main sponsor of the teams Gina Rinehart.

A particularly emotional moment of the ceremony was given by the presence Stefano Martinoli, born in Varese in 1935, who participated in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics and remained very attached to Australia. Resident in Bobbiatereceived an ovation from those present and was mentioned during the presentation.

The entire Australian national rowing team has been guests since May 10th at theAustralian Institute of Sport European Training Centre Of Gavirate.

In this regard, he also attended Massimo Parola, Mayor of Gaviratewho opened the ceremony with his speech.

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