Doing the washing machine: here’s which washing program is best for you

Doing the washing machine: here’s which washing program is best for you
Doing the washing machine: here’s which washing program is best for you

Quick, Delicates or Eco: which wash program is best when doing the washing machine? Here are the tips

The washing machine is one of the appliances that most affects your bills. A winning strategy to reduce the amount of bills is to choose the most suitable and convenient washing program based on each person’s consumption habits.

Where does the washing machine’s energy consumption come from?

Most of the energy consumption of a washing machine comes from heating the water, and this is precisely the aspect we must pay attention to to choose the most convenient program.


Energy consumption

Water consumption


Program duration

Rapid – 40º

0.57 kWh



15 minutes

Delicates – 30º

0.19 kWh



30 minutes

Eco – 40º

0.99 kWh



3 ¼ hours

Washes at low temperatures have a lower kWh consumption (the unit of measurement used to define the overall cost of electricity) than those with higher temperatures: limit washes at high temperatures to only very dirty items, opting as much as possible for low temperature programs it helps to significantly reduce energy costs and bills.

In addition to choosing the most appropriate program, to save money, it is important to carry out the washes in the most economical time slot and I would pay attention to your electricity offer to ensure the most convenient supplier suited to your needs!

Quick, Delicates and Eco: the three programs you might be undecided about in comparison

The majority of Italians habitually use one or more of these three programmes: Rapido, Delicates and Eco.

Quick programme: the quick wash programme, normally lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, uses water at low temperatures (between 30° and 40°) and is ideal for light loads.

The rapid is convenient for clothes that are not excessively dirty and allows you to save precious time.

Although at first glance the quick wash seems the most convenient, there are some negative aspects to consider.

  1. Since the cycle is very short, the washing machine must heat the water faster, thus increasing energy consumption. As a result, your electricity bill will be higher.

  2. The reduced load capacity means it may take more cycles to wash all the clothes, further increasing the amount of energy used and resulting costs.

  3. If the clothes are very dirty, the quick wash may not be sufficient, requiring additional washing machines.

Delicate programme: the cycle for delicate items takes approximately 30 minutes at a temperature between 30 and 40 degrees. Delicate fabrics, such as silk, wool, cashmere and satin, require washing at low temperatures, to avoid wear and tear on the fabrics and reduce the risk of damage such as shrinkage and color deterioration. When washing these types of fabrics it is essential to select this program or opt for hand washing.

Eco Programme: for a more economical and sustainable choice, the eco program is a valid option. Washing machine eco programs usually last three to five hours at a temperature between 30 and 40 degrees. Although the longer duration may suggest higher consumption, in reality these programs are designed to be more efficient and have a lower environmental impact than traditional wash cycles.

The eco program takes longer to heat the water and uses lower temperatures, thus reducing water and energy consumption, while also preserving the quality of the fabrics.

Washing machine energy consumption: how to save on your bill?

In conclusion, while the quick wash is useful for small loads and lightly soiled items, the programs for delicate items and the eco cycle offer significant advantages in terms of fabric conservation and energy saving.

It is therefore important to carefully evaluate your washing needs and consult your washing machine manual for details on consumption, in order to make the most convenient and sustainable choice possible.

Furthermore, if electricity bills are too high, one of the possible solutions is to pay the bills in installments.

Source: Migliore-programma-lavatrice/

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