Horoscope of the day: Sunday 2 June 2024

01 June 2024, 18:30

4 min read

LiveSicilia’s horoscope of the day, edited by Skystar, to find out what the forecasts are for June 2, 2024. Love, work, well-being and luck. Rankings, votes and advice from Sicilian stars will accompany you until the new sun rises.

Horoscope of the day: from Aries to Virgo, the forecasts for June 2nd

♈ Aries

Today you will wake up full of energy, only to find that your to-do list is longer than usual. Don’t worry, you’ll spend more time complaining than doing anything. Council of Sicilian stars: “Don’t forget to eat something good. U coffee cunta!” Rating: 5. As always, Aries throws themselves in with their heads down, but it’s better if they think about it a little first.

♉ Taurus

Your love for food will be put to the test today: you’ll end up eating something strange that will make you regret your choices. Council of Sicilian stars: “Try it but don’t trust it too much, your belly will complain!” Rating: 6. U Toro, between a dish and a meal, always receives the fruits of all his efforts.

♊ Gemini

Today you will talk so much that even the walls will ask for a break. Remember to listen every now and then, it might make a difference. Council of Sicilian stars: “Speak to anyone and listen to anyone a lot, the best cumpanìa is anyone who stays silent.” Rating: 7. The Twins are always quiet and a little insistent, but the dialogue is subtle.

♋ Cancer

You will feel nostalgic and spend the day looking at old photos. Maybe it’s time to let go of the past and live in the present. Council of Sicilian stars: “Don’t get too caught up in nostalgia, the past is the past.” Rating: 6. Cancer always runs away from the past, but it’s better to live in the moment.

♌ Leo

Today you will be the center of attention, just the way you like it, but be careful not to overdo it or you risk appearing a little too self-centered. Council of Sicilian stars: “Be careful, not everyone appreciates a star that is too bright.” Rating: 8. Leo loves being in the center, but remembers that humility is a great virtue.

♍ Virgo

Today your perfectionism will reach new heights. Relax, you can’t control everything, and not everyone appreciates your obsession with perfection. Council of Sicilian stars: “Lassa jiri, not always everything is perfect.” Rating: 7. In Virgo you fly in any way, but every once in a while a laugh helps a lot.

Horoscope of the day: from Libra to Pisces, the forecasts for June 2, 2024

♎ Libra

You will be undecided about everything today, even what to eat for lunch. Maybe it’s best if you let someone else make decisions for you. Council of Sicilian stars: “Get help, every now and then it’s better to help others.” Rating: 6. Libra gets stuck with too many choices, but a little help every now and then is a blessing.

♏ Scorpio

Your passion today will be a little too intense for those around you. Try to moderate your emotions or you might scare someone. Council of Sicilian stars: “Hold your heart, some people like this are better for you to know better.” Rating: 7. A Scorpio is a volcano of emotions, but every now and then it’s better to cool down a little.

♐ Sagittarius

Today you will want adventure, but you will end up getting lost in the daily routine. Maybe it’s better to plan your escapes better. Council of Sicilian stars: “Before you leave, think about the arrival flights.” Rating: 6. A Sagittarius wants to discover it all the time, but it’s always a matter of time.

♑ Capricorn

Today you will feel more hardworking than usual, but not everyone will appreciate your dedication. Try to balance work with some fun. Council of Sicilian stars: “Arrobba ‘nna a little more time, ‘u travagghiu wait.” Rating: 7. Capricorn takes a lot of effort, but a little rest helps.

♒ Aquarius

Today you will feel rebellious, but perhaps it is better not to go too against the grain, especially at work. Council of Sicilian stars: “Unni there’s too much coolness, u choirs get chilled.” Rating: 6. Aquarius always flies headlong, I know, but every now and then it’s better to follow the pace.

♓ Pisces

Today you will be more of a dreamer than usual, but be careful not to completely lose contact with reality. Council of Sicilian stars: “Dreams are beddi, but the avial eyes are open.” Rating: 7. Piss always comes out all the time, but every now and then it’s better to come back to the peri nto terrenu.

Ranking for Sunday 2 June 2024: from first to last mark

1 – Leo
2 – Gemini
3 – Virgo
4 – Scorpio
5 – Capricorn
6 – Pisces

7 – Taurus
8 – Libra
9 – Aquarius
10 – Sagittarius
11 – Cancer
12 – Aries


Published on

01 June 2024, 18:30

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