Onorato crime mystery, a top secret letter appears

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The letter from MEP Donato’s husband would reveal debts. Talked to a friend of the victim

Published on: 05/26/2024 – 8:19

PALERMO A lawyer friend of Angelo Onorato, the 55-year-old entrepreneur found lifeless in his car, a Range Rover, on a slip road on Viale Regione Siciliana in Palermo, was heard until late last night in the offices of the Palermo Flying Squad. The man, husband of MEP Francesca Donato, who found the body, had a band tied around his neck. It was the same lawyer, as it seems, who presented himself to the investigators, to say that he had received a letter from Onorato himself some time ago. The contents of the letter are top secret. But it seems that he was talking about some economic problem due to disputes with some debtors. Yesterday morning Onorato would have had a work appointment with a man between Carini and Capaci (Palermo). At 2.30pm the macabre discovery of Onorato’s wife and daughter.

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