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«He brought with him healthy values»

«He brought with him healthy values»
«He brought with him healthy values»

The death of Giorgio Caglioni, the 23-year-old worker passionate about motorcycles who, less than a month after purchasing his Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R 600, lost his life last Saturday in Stezzano while riding his vehicle, has left speechless not only the community of Zanica, where he lived with his family, but also that of Azzano San Paolo, where he was originally from and where the funeral took place on the morning of Wednesday 22 May.

The parish church was packed with Giorgio’s relatives and friends, there were no less than 300 people, together with many others who joined the long procession that accompanied the coffin to the cemetery. “Death arrives suddenly and overturns all our plans” said the parish priest of Azzano, Don Alberto Caravina, in his homily. «But it is precisely in these difficult moments – he highlighted – that the Christian must try to transform his own feelings into the Word, that of God, which in these moments can only be of pain and discouragement, but to which we must try to give a meaning to remember the beauty of Giorgio”. A boy loved for those «healthy values ​​that he carried with him every day at work and in his private life, while he built his future taken away from him too soon». Once the rite in the church was concluded, a long procession started through the streets of the town which led Giorgio to eternal rest in the Azzano cemetery, next to his grandmother Lidia, who also passed away on Saturday morning. A painful weekend, which saw Giorgio and Lidia leave their parents and a younger sister in pain.

Learn more about the topic on the digital copy of L’Eco di Bergamo on May 23rd

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