Saturday 18 May meeting in Senigallia with Marco Tarquinio

Saturday 18 May meeting in Senigallia with Marco Tarquinio
Saturday 18 May meeting in Senigallia with Marco Tarquinio

Former director of the newspaper “Avvenire”, he will be a candidate in the European elections in the ranks of the Democratic Party

“I chose the politics because we are on a decisive ridge in our history as Italians, Europeans and citizens of the world, as I feel. L’Europe it must know how to safeguard people’s hope and concrete life, otherwise it would mean giving strength to populist movements and helping those who speculate on fears and insecurities”.

With these words Marcus Tarquiniuswho directed the newspaper “Avvenire” for 14 years, accepted his candidacy in the Centro per le constituency European elections in the list of Democratic party.

He has always dealt with domestic and international politics, with special attention to the issues of peace, social, economic and environmental sustainability.

“As a director I gave media representation to certain ideas and positions, now – he states – I also try to give them political representation”.

“The Democratic Party has given internal citizenship to disarmed and disarming positions. First of all we need to silence the weapons, we need a common defense policy, “two-armed”: a non-aggressive military arm and a non-violent civilian arm. But it is not just a matter of affirming a space of personal conscience or a right to the platform, but rather of building concrete political paths.”

The European integration project has given us 70 years of peace. So it is right to proceed with this challenge. We must be grateful to the ability of visionary men to have managed to create such a process from the ashes of a Europe destroyed by war.

Even the Democratic Party of Senigallia, during the Municipal Union which took place on May 9th, voted on a document in which it strongly requests that all forms of war cease and the path of negotiation and diplomacy be undertaken, especially on the two main fronts of war present in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip.

It will be important to discuss this issue with Tarquinio and strengthen his choice, if elected, to contribute in the European Parliament to the construction of a United States of Europe based on peace, justice and solidarity.

For this reason it will be important to participate in the discussion with him that will take place Saturday 18 May, at 6.00 pm at the headquarters of the Circolo Acli of Senigallia in via Cavallotti, 10.

Citizens are invited.

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