Beating of Iovino, Fedez: «I wasn’t there. And anyway, what a massacre, three days later he was in Ibiza”

At the Book Fair: «The truth is that if it weren’t for my name there would be no files popping up and there wouldn’t be any news»

Db Milan 24/10/2023 – photocall TV broadcast ‘X-Factor’ / photo Daniele Buffa/Image in the photo: Fedez

Fedez, present at the Turin Book Fair to discuss mental health, denied having been present at the beating of Cristiano Iovino, Ilary Blasi’s personal trainer.

«I wasn’t there, so what? And anyway, what massacre? They tell me that three days later this person was dancing in Ibiza».

Fedez: «If it weren’t for my name there wouldn’t be any news»

«The truth is that if it weren’t for my name there wouldn’t be any files popping up and there wouldn’t be any news,” the rapper continued.».

The accusation

The testimonies and the cameras confirm Fedez’s presence at the beating of Cristiano Iovino, Ilary Blasi’s personal trainer. La Stampa provides further information on the case. Iovino has not yet filed a complaint and it is unlikely that he will do so. In the middle there would be the relationships between Curve utlrà.

“The guards who at 3.30 am on April 21st witnessed the beating of the VIP personal trainer Cristiano Iovino. But, like the investigators, they also listened to the testimony of their colleagues. Among the nine people who got out of the dark-colored minivan, they recognized Fedez: «There was him, a girl and also his bodyguard», the kickboxing instructor Christian Rosiello, a permanent presence at the Curva Sud and a close friend of the undisputed leader of the fans Rossoneri, Luca Lucci. To confirm this, despite the images made less clear by the rain, there would be footage from the building’s surveillance cameras.”

Iovino “to investigators, he did not say a word about the attack and did not want to file a complaint even when he was summoned a few days later. For investigators it was not difficult to connect the punitive expedition to Iovino’s house to the brawl that had occurred shortly before at “The Club” in Corso Garibaldi, where “kicks, punches and glass glasses flew”. An argument that would have started from too much appreciation given by Iovino to a girl who was there with Fedez. Testimonies and images of the evening demonstrate the presence of the singer, in the company of the girl, of the rapper Taxi B and, it would seem, of at least two other Rossoneri ultras (one of weight) in addition to the bodyguard Rosiello, already photographed with him, on Monday, at the entrance of the Court of Rome“.

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