A Reading of “Nothing That Is Gold Lasts” by Robert Frost. Review of Alessandria today

A Reading of “Nothing That Is Gold Lasts” by Robert Frost. Review of Alessandria today
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Robert Frost, with his poem “Nothing That Is Gold Lasts,” lyrically and powerfully reminds us that beauty and perfection are ephemeral. The poem begins with a description of spring greenery, a metaphor for youth and freshness, and ends with the observation that nothing precious lasts forever.

Frost uses natural images – the bud, the flower, the dawn – to underline the fleetingness and transience of the most beautiful things. These images recall moments of pure beauty that, like the mythical Garden of Eden, cannot last forever. Gold, despite its value and splendor, is used here as a symbol of something that, however sought after and loved, is destined to transform and vanish.

There is a melancholy in these lines, but also a wisdom: Frost does not invite us to despair, but rather to the recognition of a natural cycle of existence. Beauty is even more precious precisely because we know that it is temporary. This acceptance of the laws of nature and life invites us into a deeper awareness of the present moment and the value of what is ephemeral.

Frost’s poetry, with its brevity and clarity, is a reflection on the human condition, on innocence and on the inevitable losses that life entails. The beauty of nature thus becomes a metaphor for life itself, a reminder to enjoy the fleeting moment before it escapes us.

In conclusion, Frost leaves us with a pearl of immortal wisdom, contained in the simple and universal message that “Nothing that is golden lasts”. This poem is an invitation to contemplate and appreciate the temporary beauty of the world around us, knowing that its transience is what makes it so precious.

Nothing That’s Gold Lasts, by Robert Frost

In Nature the first green is golden,
and immediately vanishes.
The first bud is a flower
which only lasts an hour.
Then leaf follows leaf.
How Eden sank in pain
So today the Aurora sinks.
Nothing that is gold lasts.

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