Ernesto involved in a fight at Men and Women: “But weren’t you Peace & Love?”

Ernesto involved in a fight at Men and Women: “But weren’t you Peace & Love?”
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Home Ernesto involved in a fight at Men and Women: “But weren’t you Peace & Love?”

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Ernesto involved in a fight in the study of Men and Women: did anyone doubt his “goodness of mind?”. Let’s go into detail about what happened.

The current edition of Men and Women is keeping viewers in suspense. It’s been years since fans of the program have witnessed such sudden and unexpected twists. In fact, many couples were formed who have now become iconic on social media. The heartfelt affairs of Ernesto Russo continue to hold sway in the world of gossipthe charming knight with an eccentric look who made a massacre of hearts among the ladies.

Ernesto involved in a brawl at Men and Women: “But weren’t you Peace & Love?”-Credit Youtube

Ernesto is liked a lot, not only for his good looks but also for his personality, he has traveled a lot and has acquired new awareness which has led him to approach life in a more calm and seraphic way. During the last episode, however, someone pointed the finger at him, accusing him of forcing this aspect of his character and of actually maintaining a certain hostility towards some knights present in the studio. It all started when Maria De Filippi called both him and Raffaella to the center of the studio. The presenter informed those present that the lady had also gone out with Marcello Messina.

Men and Women, Ernesto under accusation: “Peace & Love?”

Ernesto immediately appeared annoyed and threw a jab at his competitor, claiming that Raffaella had only gone out with him out of “mercy”. Marcello’s reaction was not long in coming, he said he was astonished by the adjective used by the knight: “Now have they also shown me mercy?”. The confrontation between Ernesto and the knight left those present stunned as the tone became heated.

Ernesto accused from the parterre, here’s what happens-Credit Witty

Russo in fact commented: “Don’t talk, I don’t like you. I can’t hide it! You really piss me off… Now I’ll tell you clearly, what should I do? On the skin. He’s a negative person. You bother me”. Marcello asked Maria De Filippi to leave the studio.

Everyone was astonished by the scene and many commented on what they saw. Some ladies including Barbara De Santi who had a brief acquaintance with Ernesto.

The beauty then spoke Tiziana who, turning to Ernesto, told him that he couldn’t understand why he defined himself as a peaceful person given his hostile attitude towards Marcello. “You were not Peace & Love”, he told him sarcastically.

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