Whatsapp blocks a famous feature: the reason

Whatsapp blocks a famous feature: the reason
Whatsapp blocks a famous feature: the reason

Whatsapp blocks a famous feature: let’s find out what the latest ones are and the reason that pushed the development team to do this. That’s why it was necessary.

Whatsapp, screen on the phone (mrinformatician)

WhatsApp, we know, is constantly updated and for some time it has been bringing great joy to all its users. L’app Of messaging most famous in the world is working hard for try to improve its product, following both the user requests, and the inevitable steps that are necessary to obtain a product that is as complete as possible. Today Whatsapp is the most used application in the world, but to make it increasingly engaging we try to fully exploit all the potential of the smartphones available.

The development team works constantly for cure Everything is fine detail, in search of a perfection that allows you to broaden your horizons but without affecting the privacy of users, a particularly discussed topic in this last period. Whatsapp It allows us to interact with so many people even outside our own host of friendstherefore we need to be very careful and above all not to provide too much data to the outside world.

Whatsapp blocks a famous feature: the latest ones

Whatsapp chat, watch out for restrictions on screenshots (mrinformatico)

We know, in fact, that the scams they are extending also on the famous one applicationsince we often have to deal with people who they contact for the most disparate reasons. Better run to the repairsAbove all, we must be careful about what we write if we respond to these messages that attempt in any way to start a targeted conversation with us.

Also for this reason, as reported by ‘ilsoftware.it’despite the various updates on the countless options that it can boast WhatsApp, the development team he decided to limit a function which risks compromise user privacy: in fact, if it has been eliminated for some time the opportunity to save them profile picturenow they will be Screenshots are also blockedthus ensuring you get even more privacy aside of the user.

Whatsapp, the reason for the choice

In the latest update availableit will no longer be possible to do the screenshot from the profile picture of the contacts in our address book. Soon, when we try to do this, we will find that the writing will appear “Screenshot cannot be taken due to application restrictions“. The update will be available soon and will involve all users Androidwho will thus be able to sleep peacefully.

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