Hungarian semester begins at JRC Ispra

The beginning of Hungary’s six-month presidency of the European Council was also celebrated at the JRC in Ispra on Tuesday 2 July. A tradition that the European research center renews every six months, with the aim of bringing citizens closer to the many different cultures that make up the European Union.

The ceremony took place in the square in front of the entrance to the JRC and in the presence of local institutions and law enforcement. “Seeing the participation of so many institutions is a source of pride,” commented the director in charge of the JRC of Ispra, Rien Stroosnijder -. We are here to celebrate the richness of Hungarian culture, but also the spirit of communion that characterizes our Union. There are more factors that unite us than divide us.”

Over the next six months, the Hungarian community of the JRC will organize a series of events to help the inhabitants of Ispra and all the people from the neighboring communities discover their country, their culture and the best traditional dishes. «The celebrations of the European Presidency semester – he underlined Bernard Magenhanninterim director general of the JRC – these are important initiatives, which we intend to protect”.

The audience at the inauguration ceremony of the Hungarian Presidency

The inauguration of the semester was also attended by the Consul General of Hungary in Milan, Jenő Csiszárwhich outlined the main points on which the Hungarian Presidency of the European Council will focus during its mandate, under the slogan “Make Europe great again”. «Our priorities – the consul said – are: promoting competitiveness in the European Union, strengthening the EU defense industry, managing immigration and strengthening external borders, an objective and meritocratic enlargement policy, a strategic debate on the future of cohesion policy, implementing a farmer-centered agricultural policy, managing demographic challenges».

«In the last twenty years – Csiszár added – Hungary has shown in many cases that it is interested in a stable and united European Union, even if it does not agree with the mainstream in all. “Mutual respect”, this must be the key word. With our proposals, we will contribute to achieving the objectives of the European Union and strengthen the unity of the entire Union while respecting the principle of subsidiarity».

Jenő Csiszár, Consul General of Hungary in Milan spoke at the JRC in Ispra

«The JRC represents the Europe of everyday life – commented the mayor of Ispra Rina of Spirit -. On behalf of my fellow citizens and all the administrators of the neighbouring countries, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes for a fruitful Hungarian semester.”

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