How to start again, aiming for the 2026 World Cup

The pact, yes, resists. Gabriele Gravina and Luciano Spalletti will move forward together, side by side, as they presented themselves yesterday morning in the conference room of Casa Azzurricrumpled by a almost sleepless night full of reflections, words, regrets. Neither of them took a step back: «I’m a pragmatic type, you can’t abandon a multi-year project, in which the coach is central, after only a few months of work. Spalletti has and must have our trust, as for me, I don’t have the culture of running away from problems. You have to be clear and logical, otherwise you will cause even greater damage…», says the federal president.

Eyes on 2026

Italy is licking its wounds, a specialty in which we are becoming very good given that the failure at the German European Championship comes after two missed World Cups and two others in which we exited in the first round. The World Cup, the American one in 2026, is Palletti’s horizon but it is clear that the crash in Germany, which went beyond any pessimistic forecast, changes the scenario and prospects.

Next stops: Paris and Budapest in the Nations League

Spalletti will start again in September from the Nations League with two away matches, in Paris against France and in Budapest against Israel, and for him a new phase of his adventure as coach of Italy will begin. The man who gave the Scudetto to Napoli after 33 years of waiting was considered the real added value. Now he must demonstrate with facts that he can make a difference.

The surrender of the Azzurri

Gravina, in the long press conference, listed the problems of our football, but the brutal elimination against Switzerland left its mark and a certain discomfort. Losing is okay, but not like that. A black page in our history. In the Football Federation they were impressed by thecompliance shown by Lucian’s disciplescrashed in terms of rhythm, pace, clarity of ideas. A terrible figure.

The (negative) record of the third missed World Cup?

Spalletti is under scrutiny and is called upon to provide answers because despite the evident crisis of the system and the objective difficulties «Failing to qualify for the third consecutive World Cup would be an unimaginable disaster». A record that would become a mark of shame: none of the great European national teams have ever suffered a similar disgrace.

Doubts about the government’s maneuvers

Also Gravina he will be under pressure. «Criticism hurts me, but I accept constructive criticism, it helps me improve. The request for resignation makes no sense, especially since I am at the end of my mandate. No one should think they can govern football outside our world and this also applies to politics”, the message dictated clearly. It has been said and written that the government is eager to get its hands on the ball and would have put the federal president in its sights. “The elections are scheduled for March 2025, but I am ready to call them first available date after the Olympics, at the end of the four-year period, as per the regulation. That is the only place responsible for choosing governance. If anyone wants to run and thinks they have the votes to win, come forward. As for me, I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll run againthis is not the right time to address this issue.
I will only respond to the delegates and check whether the conditions are right to continue.”

In the summer the assembly for the elections

The temptation is strong. AND alliances have already been studied, especially the one with Giancarlo Abetepresident of the Dilettanti but also with footballers and coaches. The FIGC is trying to play on the attack and after the summer it will set the date for the elective assembly, forcing all the components to move accordingly, to have the president by the end of the year.
The tenant of Via Allegri now prefers to focus on how to try to get out of the crisis. «We must give immediate answers. We get back up with work and we have to be realistic: we don’t have Messi, Mbappé or Ronaldo».

Enhance young people, broaden the audience of the blue shirt

There are many ideas, more or less the same ones that mature after every great disappointment. But it is difficult to change the reality of the facts in a football that pays less and less attention to the national teams. The objectives are to enhance the talent of young people, encourage their inclusion and broaden the audience of those eligible for the blue jersey. Gravina talks about second teams (with Milan we are just at three), of limit foreigners in the Springs (and on this the Football League has already intervened in a concrete manner) and has established a working commission to foster the relationship between the clubs and the national team.
For now, it includes Marotta (Inter president), Giuntoli (Juventus), Marino (Atalanta) and Sartori (Bologna), but it could be expanded. More than remedies, they are palliatives. Nothing will change. It is difficult to find a point of agreement. An example: Juve’s first transfer moves, which should aim to enhance Fagioli, are Douglas Luiz and Khephren Thuram, two foreign midfielders. The scenario is gloomy. But certain fools remain intolerable all the same.

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