Beach Academy with M&G Volleyball School

Beach Academy with M&G Volleyball School
Beach Academy with M&G Volleyball School

The confirmation of an idea that works and that is a flagship of the entire territory. So in the press conference to present the Beach Volley Young Academy of the M&G Volleyball School currently taking place on the equipped fields at the Doppiozero chalet, now in its seventeenth edition. The mayor of Fermo Paolo Calcinaro did the honors: “The combination of Lido di Fermo with M&G comes from afar and this year has found the wonderful push of the Superleague conquered. A project, that of the beach, makes Lido di Fermo the base of an amazing movement and making it the hub of beach in our area, we really need it. Thanks to the company, the plus and the valorization brought by the promotion to the Superleague”. The same line was also held by the sports councilor Alberto Maria Scarfini: “We need to do everything to promote this beautiful piece of land that is Fermo. The Beach Academy has enhanced the predisposition to the beach of our beaches that are already protagonists even out of season with the Czech and Israeli delegations. Thanks to M&G without forgetting the workers who keep the area clean, the chalet that hosts and all the organizations that are committed”. One of the symbols of the Beach Academy is the captain of the Yuasa Battery Riccardo Vecchi who lived in the Beach Academy all 17 seasons, first as a very young athlete and then as an instructor: “All the instructors here have all gone from being athletes to professionally valid and ready instructors. And it was a beautiful and formative school, an extraordinary experience”.

The point on the current edition is up to the deus ex machina, Massimiliano Ortenzi: “It is the seventeenth edition, third in a row in Lido di Fermo: we have always grown with the aim of uniting and not dividing, offering a sporting and social service to an age group that needs this. An added value for families and the territory. Thanks to all nine companies that have joined, who do their part, sending their instructors and promoting their club. We have managed to unite an entire territory and break down any rivalry. It is a record edition, almost unthinkable, a push to do better but it fuels our confidence. The kids are here, three afternoons a week for five weeks. There are 210 registered, with 20 instructors always present and a huge final party on July 28th. A huge success”.

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