Three friends on a pilgrimage to Padua on board vintage tractors

Last year they had taken the lead of seven vintage tractors on the way to Assisi in memory of thefriend Oreste Rodellawho recently passed away after battling an illness. This year three members of the Vintage Tractor Lovers Group of Valtrompia (Gate) decided to replicate the feat, making a journey from Montichiari to Padua. Always aboard their tractors.

An initiative also seen as a sort of pilgrimage from the places of Saint Paul VI to those of Saint Anthony.

At 7 o’clock sharp last Monday they met in the square in Montichiari and from there they set off towards Este, in the province of Padua. Arriving here around 6 p.m., they stopped for the night. The next stops were Arquà Petrarca, the Basilica of Sant’Antonio for the blessing and a visit to the Casa del Pellegrino. The trip will last until Fridaywhen the tractor drivers will return to Montichiari around 6pm, and will also stop at the Pomposa Abbey, the Matteotti House Museum and the San Salvaro monastery.

The pilgrimage is a recent idea in the history of the group, which was born in January 2013 with the aim of spread the passion and knowledge of vintage cars used in agriculture, reviving local traditions while keeping alive the memory of the past. Today the council is chaired by Renato Rossi. His deputy is Ivan Marelli, secretary Diego Barucco. Among the councilors there is also a woman, Patrizia Gianoncelli, who is part of the group together with Saverio Chioda, Vittorio Comassi, Giulio Rodella and Claudio Gianoncelli.

I next July 27th and 28th The Gate is planning the twelfth edition of the «Vintage Tractor Gathering in Maniva». The route of the initiative, which will also see historic vehicles arriving from Northern Europe, will wind through the greenery for 77 kilometers starting from San Colombano and connecting the Brescia valleys of Trompia, Camonica and Sabbia, with a high-altitude route from Maniva to Crocedomini.

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