Anti-Mafia Operation Against Criminal Association in Aprilia: 25 Precautionary Orders Issued

Anti-Mafia Operation Against Criminal Association in Aprilia: 25 Precautionary Orders Issued
Anti-Mafia Operation Against Criminal Association in Aprilia: 25 Precautionary Orders Issued

Last updated on July 3, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

Investigative Activity and Elements of Investigation

During the investigations launched by the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate – Rome Operations Centersupported by the Carabinieri Territorial Department of Aprilia and coordinated by the DDA of the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Officeelements have been collected that indicate the existence of a mafia association operating in the region. This association uses the strength of the associative bond and the condition of subjection and silence to commit various crimes, including drug trafficking, extortion, usury, possession of weapons e control of the territorycarrying out acts aimed at ensuring the livelihood of affiliated members. Furthermore, the association is suspected of having objectives aimed at influencing economic activities, procurement, public services and even the free exercise of voting.

The Charges and the Illicit Activities Contested

Illicit activities attributed to this mafia association include the drug trafficking, aggravated extortion, robberies, injuries, threats, usury, unauthorized exercise of financial activity against local traders and entrepreneurs by applying usurious rates, possession and use of weapons to commit crimes, as well as the direct and indirect acquisition of control of economic activities and public services. Such actions are aimed at ensuring territorial domination and strengthening the position of the criminal association.

Next Actions by Competent Authorities

In addition to the 25 precautionary orders issued, authorities are conducting numerous searches to gather additional evidence and identify any accomplices or further illegal activities connected to the criminal association. A press conference is scheduled for 12:30 today at the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office, during which further details on the ongoing anti-mafia operation will be provided.

Close collaboration between the Carabinieri, the District Anti-Mafia Directorate and the Rome Prosecutor’s Office is essential to ensure the success of these operations and guarantee the protection of honest and law-abiding citizens.


  • In the text of the article, several important people and institutions are mentioned, linked to the investigative operation against a mafia association. Let’s analyze them in detail:

1. Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate – Rome Operations Center: This institution is responsible for investigating and coordinating activities aimed at countering the phenomenon ofmafia association operating in the region. It is a unit specialized in identifying, countering and repressing the activities of criminal organizations.
2. Carabinieri Territorial Department of Aprilia: This department of Carabinieri supported the investigations conducted by the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate, contributing to the collection of investigative elements and the carrying out of operations on the territory to counter the criminal activity of the mafia association.
3. DDA of the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office: The District Anti-Mafia Directorate at the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office he coordinated the operation against the criminal association, issuing precautionary orders and conducting investigations into the illegal activities of the mafia organization.
4. Investigative activities and crimes committedThe mafia association which was the target of the operation is accused of several crimes, including drug trafficking, extortion, usury, possession of weapons e control of the territory. Furthermore, the organization is suspected of having interests in influencing economic activities, procurement, public services and even the free exercise of voting.
5. Next actions by the competent authorities: In addition to the 25 precautionary orders issued, numerous searches are underway to collect further evidence and identify accomplices or illegal activities connected to the criminal association. A press conference is planned to provide further details on the ongoing anti-crime operation.
The article highlights the importance of collaboration between the Carabinieri, the Anti-Mafia District Directorate and the Rome Prosecutor’s Office to ensure the success of anti-mafia operations and protect honest citizens. This type of operation demonstrates the authorities’ commitment to tackling criminal organizations and preserving legality and public safety.

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