50th Social Week of Catholics in Trieste, five delegates from the diocese

50th Social Week of Catholics in Trieste, five delegates from the diocese
50th Social Week of Catholics in Trieste, five delegates from the diocese

“They have reached their fiftieth edition, but they are not a celebration of the past: the Social Weeks of Catholics, born in 1907 and since then always well rooted with their hearts and minds in their own time, arrive in Trieste from 3 to 7 July with the desire to stay in the present and look to the future”. This was stated by Mgr. Luigi Renna, archbishop of Catania and president of the scientific committee and organizer of the Social Weeks.

In Trieste, almost a thousand delegates from the dioceses are expected, including 70 bishops, with a significant presence of young people, coming from dioceses, associations and movements, local experiences (“good practices”). The diocese of Cuneo-Fossano also has its delegates. Together with Bishop Piero Delbosco and Mauro Verra, diocesan head of the office for social and labor pastoral care, two young people will be in Trieste: Giulia Filippi from Fossano, for the diocesan Caritas, and Rachele Barale from Fontanelle for Catholic Action. Don Flavio Luciano, vicar for pastoral care of the diocese, will also be present for the national delegation of Coldiretti’s spiritual advisors.

To seal the event, by way of inclusion, they will be opening on Wednesday 3 July (at 5pm), the speech of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella – whose presence highlights the importance that the Trieste event has for the life of the entire country -, and, in closing, that of Pope Francis: the Holy Father Sunday 7th July he will conclude the work of the Social Week and, at 10.30, he will preside over the Eucharistic concelebration in Piazza Unità d’Italia.

The objective of the Trieste social week, – which has as its theme “At the heart of democracy. Participating between history and future” – is “reflecting on the theme of democracy to recover its meaning and reread it in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church, delving into the anthropological foundations, the transformations that participation is experiencing, the ideas and procedures that can regenerate it, starting from a more effective presence in civil society – explains the general secretary of the CEI, Msgr. Giuseppe Baturi -. Aware of the history of the Social Weeks and of those who animated them, we want to offer the contribution of Catholics to respond to the challenges that Italy, Europe and the world are called to face”. For this reason, ample space will be reserved for tables of discernment and comparison, with a methodology thanks to which shared proposals can emerge.

One of the characterizing elements will be Good practices, around 150 realities – small and large, activated by ecclesial associations and movements, social cooperatives, energy communities, experiences of the Policoro Project – which regenerate the territories in the country and which can be known through the stands set up in the Village of Good Practices. There will be fifteen instead Thematic Squares which will allow for an in-depth analysis and comparison of current issues for the life of the country and Europe.

Trieste is not an event limited to the days of its celebration, but a process that is helping to reflect on the quality of participation in socio-political life and on democracy. A consideration that can be read in the final communiqué of the CEI General Assembly last May and is very timely, also in light of the recent European and administrative elections in our country.

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