Referee Roberto Begnis leaves the basketball, Pozzecco calls a time-out for him: «Incredible»

There is a different story from the classic ones of referees who are verbally abused and in some cases even threatened. He lived it Roberto Begnis, born in 1967, basketball whistler who on Sunday 23 June in Trento concluded a career built on 701 appearances (the figure seems perfect and intended for an epilogue) acting as the head of the trio that directed the Italy-Georgia friendly. What’s strange if a referee hangs up his whistle? Absolutely nothing, but what happened to Begnis da Crema, in 2013 elected best referee of Serie A, it was something rare if not unique.

In fact, very shortly after the end of a match that had already been decided, the Italian coach Gianmarco Pozzecco called an apparently senseless time out. Instead it had a meaning and the gesture had certainly been planned: it was intended to be an opportunity for a “dedicated” greeting to Roberto.

The players surrounded him and hugged him, the audience applauded, the person concerned was moved to tears by whispering “come on guys, come back and play”. A referee who gets not a cuckold, but a warm testimony of affection? Either the world has started to go the other way around, or, thanks also to the sensitivity of Poz and the national team’s entourage, we are faced with a pleasant novelty.

Roberto Begnis, from one to ten how excited was he?
«I would say… eleven because at that moment I understood why I should consider myself lucky. I am passionate about basketball and for 24 years I have had the opportunity to experience it not on TV or at most in the stands, but on the pitch, directly and a few centimeters from my long nose”

Surprised by Pozzecco’s gesture?
«He did something incredible, I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I believe it was a certificate of esteem and credibility towards me: what remains from that time out is that we wanted to recognize what is behind the institutional figure of the race director. In other words: behind a referee there is always a person, in this case Roberto Begnis. In sport there is role play, everyone has a role: but respect for everyone is fundamental”

Have you ever had to face insults?
«Look, I can say that the basketball public is on average much superior to certain situations. I would also like to point out that our sport is played in facilities without physical barriers: from the high stands to the parterres, anyone, if they wanted, could make incursions. However, it doesn’t happen because there is a lot of awareness. As for insults, no, I have never received any even if the referee in first instance is seen as a policeman who gives fines. When a controversial situation arose no one ever said to me “Begnis, fuck…”, if anything the phrase was: “Come on, Bobo…”. Yes, Bobo, the simplified version of my name”

The referee, however, can make mistakes.
“Certain. And sometimes it’s even necessary to apologize. The important thing is that good faith is recognised: from coaches and players I have always received messages based on dialogue, not acrimony”

Why didn’t he play or coach?
«In truth I had started the process of coaching, basketball is a family tradition thanks to my parents. At a certain point they said to me: “Why don’t you be a referee?”. I still haven’t understood if it was an elegant way to tell me “change job”, but I thank that day: in 1999 I finally landed in Serie A.”

But he never directed in Europe.
«First of all because at the time there were stricter rules, then due to my choice»

Now he could apply for the Euroleague, which is less rigid on age.
«No, I’m too old… There’s a time for everything. But I plan to stay in the industry: for two years I have been collaborating as an instructor with the Italian Referee Committee, I will combine my work in commerce with my lifelong passion”

Did you have a particular referee of reference?
«If I pointed out one or two I would be doing the others a disservice. So I say that I grew up having an excellent refereeing class as a reference. Rather, I use the answer to thank those who were, in his time, my instructors: Aldo Albanesi, Alessandro Teofili and Ninì Ardito, who unfortunately is no longer with us »

From now on he will be free to support some team…
«Not at all, even in football I don’t side with anyone. I only support sports. And for basketball, obviously”

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