Elite Tournament in Caperganica: Beach Volleyball, football and padel

Elite Tournament in Caperganica: Beach Volleyball, football and padel
Elite Tournament in Caperganica: Beach Volleyball, football and padel

Second edition of the tournament “Elite Tournament” at the doors to Capergnanicawhere the Pierino Nichetti sports center will host a series of disciplines for 24 hours.

The event will involve forty-eight teams, who will compete to win one of the most anticipated sporting events in the Crema area. The opening of the event is scheduled for Saturday 29th at 6.30pm, where the group stage will follow for 24 hours Beach Volleyball and football.

Beach volley
Saturday 29 June from 6.30pm to 10pm
Sunday 30 June from 8.30am to 8.30pm

Five-a-side football
From 7pm on Saturday 29 June to 7pm on Sunday 30 June, non-stop

Sunday 30 June from 8.30am to 8.30pm

At 9.30pm the awards ceremony for the winning teams will take place in the presence of Dario Hubner and the president of Panathlon Cream Massimiliano Aschedamini. All matches will take place throughout the evening and night of Saturday, as well as throughout the day on Sunday.

Collaborators will be available throughout the event Alessandro, Yannik, Andrea, Stefano, Laurentiu and Enrique who wanted to comment as follows: “After months of organization we are finally very close to the date, we feel very satisfied with the work done, we hope that even during the two days of sport everything goes well and that the participants feel good. We are very happy to be able to offer an alternative to young and old and give them the chance to have fun through sport.”

“Finally, we would like to thank – conclude the organizers – the municipality of Capergnanica for its patronage of the initiative and for its launch last year at the Capergnanica sports centre, the Asd Iuvenes football club, with particular thanks to Enrico Galmozzi and Davide Improveti, to the Proloco of Capergnanica and Passarera for organizational support, as well as our sponsors.”

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